Tutors grounded?

Sir Roger Austin, former Air Marshall and Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff used to fly at 6AEF

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Where’s that messaging come from? None received this end.

Depending on who you asked, that was the messaging coming down all along. It’s ‘Plan to go flying, but don’t expect to go flying’.

WAvNo via OC AEF

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No definitive time scale has been issued as far as I know and I was in the office yesterday.

We have cancelled cadet flying UFN however kept the allocations on our program just in case we get a short notice green light.

Havent had a cadet actually get an aef slot due canx, wx, atc, tech ac etc since 2019 now…

Had to actually double check to be sure.

Maybe your unit should be renamed to be part of the Identity Crisis Cadets?

… we arent the worst.
Just checked the logs.
One unit in my wing hasnt had AEF OR gliding happen since 2018!

Just bad luck.

No, luck has nothing to do with it. It’s poor management.


Latterly as Fg Off Sir Roger Austin, IIRC. I wondered why the squippers kept calling him Sir…

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Flying the Grob Tutor was paused recently following a technical issue with an aircraft oil seal. The return to flying has been carefully considered by a panel of safety experts and was predicated on the introduction of a replacement oil seal. Over 1/3 of our aircraft are fitted with these improved oil seals and have been cleared to recommence flying. The remainder are being fitted with a modified oil seal, but this will take time and will mean a temporary reduction in the number of aircraft available to fly. Whilst the new oil seal has been demonstrated to resolve the oil leak, we do not yet have sufficient evidence to prove that it offers a permanent solution. As such, we will need to fly the aircraft to provide data in order to ensure total confidence in the repair and if necessary, work with industry on other options. This will take time as we fly and inspect the aircraft over the next few months. As we do not accept any unnecessary risk with Air Cadets, unfortunately, Air Experience Flying will remain paused. However, please be assured that once we have sufficient evidence, it is our intent to fly our superb cadets once more.


Anyone heard any recent updates?

We’re due to have a group flying within a couple of weeks and have had no updates.

I heard rumour via my WAvO of no flying till September, but they went to great lengths to emphasise that there was no official news.

There was also an update from 6FTS too:


You may be aware that Grob Tutor aircraft flying was temporarily paused recently due to a technical issue with an aircraft oil seal.

The return to flying has been carefully considered, by a panel of safety experts and was predicated on the introduction of a replacement oil seal. Over 1/3 of our aircraft are fitted with these improved oil seals and have been cleared to recommence flying. The remainder are being fitted with a modified oil seal but this will take time and will mean a temporary reduction in the number of aircraft available to fly.

Whilst the new oil seal has been demonstrated to resolve the oil leak, we do not yet have sufficient evidence to prove that it offers a permanent solution. As such, we will need to fly the aircraft to provide data in order to ensure total confidence in the repair and if necessary, work with industry on other options. This will take time as we fly and inspect the aircraft over the next few months.

As we do not accept any unnecessary risk with Air Cadets, unfortunately, Air Experience Flying will remain paused. However, please be assured that once we have sufficient evidence, it is our intent to fly our superb cadets once more.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

That update is over a week old. I posted it 3 posts ago on this thread :rofl: Same bold on the any included! :smiley: (And interestingly you have an ‘i’ that is is has the line through it. Clearly we copied from the same email as mine had that too! But I cleaned it up :wink: )

:rofl: I haven’t really been paying attention. oops

Also to throw into the mix. Heard a rumour that RAF Wittering is about through a major runway overhaul, taking 18mths+. Cadets to fly out of 7AEF, less slots for those already there, but CUAS and 115 Sqn RAF to operate from the taxiways.

We have a teams meeting with Commandant 6 on Friday afternoon.

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I was told the same thing by my WAvO. If you’re off to annual camp and have AEF on the program, time to think of some alternatives!

What news

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No updates that I’ve heard of…