Tutors grounded?

There are two vwrsions 1 for electronic 1 for printing, neither work properly.

I have a couple in this position. I took the view that if the suspicion is there then given the safety component, I have to err on the side of caution until a proper diagnostic process has been completed and not allow them to fly. This is always done in consultation with their Parents of course, but to date none have questioned my position. They don’t want their Cadet to be a risk, or at risk.


Carbon footprint of accessing one webpage is 0.5g per view.

The carbon footprint of your website and how to reduce it • Yoast.

Carbon footprint of printing a piece of paper is 1g. With the cost of a sheet of paper being about 5g.

CO2 Neutral Printing - ezeep.

If the document is going to be loaded more than 12 times then the electronic version is going to emit more carbon.

Something we never take into account with the rush to get rid of paper and move to everything on a cloud. First class logbooks for instance, almost certainly are better for the environment than electronic.
Arguably the same for 3822.

Now I get there are other benefits to having things on a cloud. But let’s not pretend that they are environmental. The same argument applies to electric vehicles. They cost far more in terms of pollution than an ICE car as far as production goes. At present, most of them have a much shorter lifespan and so don’t make up for the high production costs over their running life. And then the pollution caused by their disposal far outweighs ICE. All we’re doing is moving the pollution away from rich developed countries into poorer, underdeveloped countries. One day, maybe they’ll fix the lifespan and electric will overall be better, but we’re not there yet.


It’s also the staff time taken to do this via whatever link → electronically add / amend items. Cadet hands over physical book, staff ticks / initials item.


Also does not take into account the damage caused by mining rare earth metals and child miners extracting them in Africa.

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While that might have been true 5+ years ago, the improving technology means that electric vehicles quickly ‘overtake’ internal combustion engine cars, in terms of lifetime CO2 footprint. Couple of links below to more recent articles.

Lifetime carbon emissions of electric vehicles vs gasoline cars

Electric car emissions myth ‘busted’

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BBC part written by Harabin, he’s been bought and paid for by the green lobby there again he’s a leader of the green lobby. Ask the question, who paid for and commissioned the survey.


Harrabin’s just reporting on peer reviewed, published academic research from Exeter, Nijmegen and Cambridge universities. He hasn’t done this work.

Anyway, back to Tutors

So now we have sorted the environmental issues which may cause armaggedon if so much as we each print 2 pieces of paper or use a computer built from child labour, are the tutors still paused?

Not sure about officially, but I live near an AEF/UAS station and haven’t noticed them airborne today.

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Zero Tutors airborne on ADSB tracker. That’s not scientific, but a decent indicator.

…though it is lunchtime.

5AEF answer 'phone - no AEF flying until further notice.

I’ve literally quoted above an email from AOC 22 Gp saying they are grounded because of an oil leak. We can stop guessing… It’s a fact. They are grounded.


Are they though, or is that just what big RAFAC wants you to think…? /s

The letter informs people that they have been grounded, yes. But we all know perfectly well that news of ungrounding won’t be as well publicised and the way we’ll find out is by seeing them in the air.

We’ve not gone into the depths and detail with the engineering side, it could be a quick fix.

I hope so, but also:

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Hoping for news today.

Just seen that a very similar situation happened at Upavon, weekend just gone.

I know this is thread drift but just a reminder that our AEF and VGS pilots are great and have to regularly deal with some interesting situations!


If we were in that ideal world, we wouldn’t be using “homemade” printable/electronic forms and instead just use MS Forms straight into Bader.


That maybe so - but engines don’t just develop oil leaks, there is normally a significant reason behind a major technical failure.

If this is related to the possible max continuous power of 2700 rpm being utilised versus what might have been the correct figure of 2400 rpm, then the engineering solution has to be more in depth - over-pressure on bearings can sometimes be worse than low pressure, how to calculate the additional wear / tear versus previously specified engine hours prior to inspection / overhaul, etc.

Similarly, does this mean the prop was being operated in a manner that may have caused existing issues, or, future issues?

EDIT - & of course, where / when / how did any relevant engine operating instructions come from?

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