Tutors grounded?

Has been discussed wrt accurate completion of Av Med 1, but no action yet as far as I am aware.

I’m not sure how you word ‘please completed the Av Med 1 correctly’ that isn’t just a bit pleonastic.

On more occasions than I care to remember, Av Med forms are not filled out correctly.


But do you refuse to fly them? I think we are too kind sometimes…

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If I know it is incorrect, then yes. At my previous unit I knew my cadets well and knew which ones would require a ‘yes’ on their Av Med Form. If they tried to attend AEF or similar I’d make sure they had their F6424 sorted!

If I thought a cadet was trying to fly with an undisclosed AV Med Form, I’d say something.

same can be said for TG21s (or rather a lack of TG23s attached to the 21!)

We can and should refuse realtime opportunities with empathy, but supported by SME evidence. Additional RA is carried out where there may be a flight safety risk to the individual, pilot and others. Enable some immersive training, appreciate not the same but add some benefit. Decision then reviewed where an individual shows a change in circumstances.

No system is 100% proof as anyone could get into a panic state which may result in uncharacteristic interactions, however where the is known potential, regrettably the answee is NO.

This is should not be seen as discriminatory by any standards.as safety is always the first priority.

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Comdt has written letter to parents, passed down through CoC emphasising importance of filling forms in accurately

How about using Gov notify to email it to all parents on the system too!


Even though parents should be filling the forms out correctly, it is down to the squadron staff to check the paperwork BEFORE cadets turn up for flying.

It is getting for too common for ES to be running round like headless chickens because the forms are either missing or not filled out correctly.

No running around needed no form/incorrect no fly simples. Although it doesnt help that the latest version of the form doesnt work

The latest version of the Av Med Form is truncated when you print it out - CO’s signature / comments - maybe as the author chose “USA Letter” as the format?

New version is pants.


Could it be that it isn’t designed for printing? It is 2023 after all.

The biggest issue with the AvMed form is that, for some cadets, it’s impossible to complete it correctly.

We have cadets that are suspected of being autistic but have no diagnosis. They can’t honestly tick yes or no against the wording of that question, and the doctors refuse to complete a 6424 on the basis that there is no current diagnosis. The waiting period for a diagnostic assessment is currently around 2 years.

Who knows, maybe Tutors won’t be grounded by then…?


Which is great until the IT system fails.

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Except nobody can deal with it in electronic format. We don’t live in the ideal world that’s been designed for.


There are two versions, one called electronic and one called paper. The problem is the paper one doesn’t print nicely…

Well, neither of them print nicely, and they both need to be printed to be given to the AEF staff!

There’s only so much the RAF can do with synthetic fuels, electric aircraft, E-scooters, etc, but if RAFAC are still using paper forms for tens of thousands of cadets and CFAVs then we’re never going to get anywhere near net zero.

Yes, the RAF Regt still insist on stamping my ‘green card’ every time I do IRT Mod. 1, but that one card has been with me for many years and no one ever actually asks to see it: they just check JPA.

Wot he said. Functionality cleared not checked before up-loading the latest versions Also, as this version needs OC’s signature / comments for those minor issues that are considered as “OK to fly,” a duff form is not very clever.