Tutors grounded?

Will frame that.

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No surprises, our flying slots for 09 Jul = cancelled.

Issues with oils seals / pumps, albeit some staff / UAS flying still on-going (adult risk assessment).

Maybe 3 - 4 weeks fix - but as per my previous comments, probably not that simple.

Got an email recently stating that there are 31 Tutors that have been ‘Modified’ post incident. Each aircraft needs to do 150Hrs flying post modification before another set of check are done and only then if it passes can it be authorised to have cadet passengers

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Where did you get email?

In the inbox.

From WavNo

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WavNo? the reason I ask ia that my contact involved in this task hasn’t heard if 150FH before cadets will be permitted to fly, the 150FH is an inspection interval so curious why there is mixed comms?

Dont give up the day job :slight_smile:

Thanks for that, I will fact check it as 150FH could take a long to burn off depending on tasking etc, if they flew 4 hrs / day that would be about 5 weeks before cleared. Our local AEF officer is confident it may be quicker than that. In the end tine will tell and hopefully get backbin the air soon.

It may be as simple as the WAvO just simplifying things for the sake of the email. Or purposefully gatekeeping information. In this case it’s probably not worth taking what has been said too seriously.

We were told last Friday the following:

6 FTS, Grob and other parties are working to a resumption of Tutor Air Experience Flying , however as of Wednesday cadet flying was not authorised and 2 AEF has cancelled all flying until next week, week commencing 26 June 2023. Immediate indications are that the issue affecting cadet flying in the Tutor will not turn into a long-term event, so OC 2 AEF has asked that Squadrons plan on attending for their allocations unless they hear otherwise.

Frankly, I don’t think anyone properly knows. Once again, we could really do with some clear comms direct from the top here. Rather than many iterations of trickle down comms leading to multiple different versions of the same story.

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is that 150hrs each aircraft in the fleet or simply those under the study??
ie they have issued the fix across the fleet, but running intensive testing on say 6 aircraft over 150 hours flying to confirm the fix is viable.

I am not familiar enough with Babcock or the Tutor, but based on most military flying it would seem keeping aircraft is the sky at the rate the RAF fly is a challenge - is 150 flying hours without an issue likely?
the impression i get reading comments by @Horriblelittletechie and others i know it would seem running 50 hours without an issue is good going!
(based on my own aircraft experience there are elements which need inspecting every 100 hours so those 150 hours is not completely maintenance free)

as such keeping 89 aircraft (Source) flying each for 150 hours isn’t straightforward

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Nail on the head, get it straight from the delivery team, everyone below are adding 10 pence and it is chinese whispers, expecially on here. Fyi I work with/MAA and worked mil jets for more years I can remember, whilst there is extra mitigation when flying cadets the general maintenance regimes are same principle and 150FH to make sure a fix has worked is unusual and therefore with no malice comms has got mixed somewhere.

Tutors are in the air today.

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Yep which is good news but still paused for cadets

Is this the one they use for static displays at shows?

Gotta reach them magic 150hours somehow…

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I have never seen an AC get to that point…

But then again I’m rotary and they vibrate themselves to death. And we have calender codes every 25hrs.

There’s a good chance those AC could be on air tests as well or invest, making sure it doesn’t reappear.

And here we have it! Can’t really argue with any of that. Fix found, fix applied, and now testing being done


There probably isn’t an official timeline yet though. So all we’d get is a guess. And then if they don’t meet the timeline then we’ll all get angry for them being behind schedule! :sweat_smile:

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