The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

Agree, and no offence to this forum, hqac have the capabilty of send to all but choose to leak the info via here. Not sure if it is cowardice or ignorance. I find it frustrating that info is available on SM before hqac missive. Sure a send to all will put out one version of the truth. I wasnt aware that BGW hadn’t been told, but that underlines the problem.

No one at HQ is choosing to leak via here. That implies far too much organisation.

What we are seeing, as always, is trickle down comms that are being posted here before the trickle down has reached everyone.


It was an all region email, but what has followed is a per wing basis, so it very depends on the OC Wg and the communication capabilities

Sorry disagree, info on here is occasionally available quicker than on sharepoint or other means. I think the intention is good but it needn’t be that way. For example the i learnt about the car parking ban on here, then shortly afterwards from official comms.

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Yes, because we (the RAFAC) often use trickle comms. If you’re in an area where trickle comms takes a while then you’ll always see it on here first.

I think you may just be in one of those slow areas. When it was first posted on here, by @kitkat, it had already been emailed from HQ out to all RCs. Some of those RCs had distributed it out, and some of those people distributed again. It meant some of us at a low level knew before some OC Wings.

It’s not HQ leaking information.

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Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.


I do see your point and agree RHQs sitvon inf. It is not a critism of those who put the info on here, but a criticism that HQAC can send to all to get past the regions who choose to sit on the info. Frankly, i do not action anything until i get the official comms. As for the leak, you may want to ask why TKs’ resignation was available on here so quickly.

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Because he posted it on his own LinkedIn? :rofl:


It’s basic OSINT research.


He did :slight_smile: but that still doesnt excuse his ineptitude of sending out an officially message, i am stillsl sceptical about the source ( i accept i may be wrong) but every bit of important comms appears on here first, that isnt right.

I wonder the reaction from Perm Staff and the CofC if the remaining CFAVs took an approach of only responding to them on a Sqn night. Therfore, no more evenings or worktime/lunchtime e-mails or calls. Communication strictly to Sqn staff for the continued smooth running of the parade night and Cadet experience, but no comms to WSO, WCO or mandatory trainings until the cadets are sorted…if their is time left. Replies at 20:30 on a Friday only will soon highlight the amount of effort that goes on during our own time when we are not on duty when they open their inbox at 08:00 on Monday.


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I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think you’re listening.

There are many ways to find out information in this organisation. Sometimes it’s comes down via the CoC. Sometimes it’s sent directly to everyone. Sometimes nothing official is sent out, but a document on SharePoint is updated. The speed in which the information is distributed can also vary wildly.

Non of that is leaking information. Leaking information implies that the information we’re talking about should not be freely available.

It sounds like you think we should have a 48 hour period of grace between being informed, and talking about it online, in case someone else in the org hasn’t picked up their email, or someone in the CoC hasn’t passed it down yet?

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I am listening, i just have a different opinion. Official comms should go through officail route. Its just my opinion. What if the info on here was inadvertently wrong where would we stand if we acted on it ? Yes low level stuff hearing on here no problem, top level stop action, sorry that should be via official route all at the same tine. And you weren’t being rude.


@Moist_Van_Lipwig i think is just trying to say that comms does go through the official channels but as soon as it has, some will naturally pick it up quicker than others. Once it is announced, then it’s free to post on here etc.

Just because some will pick it up later than others doesn’t mean we should all avoid talking about it here until the final volunteer in the corps has read it…

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Exactly what @DessertTiger says.

I agree that finding out about major events via ACC isn’t ideal, but that’s more a reflection of how we do internal comms rather than any malicious intent or deliberate leaks.


I don’t doubt that potential future policy has once or twice been leaked on here by HQAC (or more likely indirectly by leaking to a friend who is known to be on here) in order to test the waters but I doubt they are actively using ACC to circumvent the normal method of communication.

As to the point about where people would stand if they acted on erroneous information on here, that’s a them problem, unless and until you are told of policy changes through the CoC or official RAFAC channels you should carry on as before.
That’s why I got away with wearing my beret in blues for a brief period. It was announced on here that the change to the dress regs allowing it had been made in error, but until I was officially informed I followed the published regs.


That is simply not true. There have been L98 shooting weekends every month this year in my wing.

If it’s in the South West either they were pre planned and already approved before the stop on any shooting about Air Rifle, or they’ve been doing it with out permission (there is always the third option of an exception was given but there’s definetly a stop in place)

There’s a 4th that springs to my mind - no movement of weapons and ammo because all was on site, so no transport required.

But as you say, other exceptions or exemptions are possible.

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tbf whenever such a notice comes out people will question the source, and often at best the “leaker” will suggest “a credible contact at source who is more often right than wrong” but we do then wait to see how long it takes to become official.

I don’t know of any example where someone has taken comms on ACC more seriously than the Official CoC - whatever changes that are made we will discuss to the nth degree but never act upon it until there is an email received or sharepoint link to share.

Many will post that sharepoint link to highlight their Region/Wing have been updated and thus credible evidence