The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

Just out of interest have any Units plugged the off-Sqn activities with anything exciting? Obviously our programme is taking a hit so wondering how to backfill?

They"ve been pre-approved; until the end of the year I believe…

We started by asking the Cadetz to submit what they would like to see as we did have to cancel a fair amount.

We will likely do a few extended nights to make up for it.

We’ve got to fully assess the requests but so far nothing unexpected: Fieldcraft, Flight Competitions, A Radio Exercise, and a First Aid Competition evening (so guessing they want scenarios rather than training which I’m happy to do)

We are looking at moving the end of summer bbq onto Sqn during a parade evening.

This certainly seems like a good way to keep things going. Albeit if you’re at a Sqn in the city with little space, this is still very limiting sadly.

Aye we are very lucky to have a lot of outside space, not too much grass but enough we could do bearing exercises, radios where they can be located behind different buildings.

Talking to staff we’ll likely do our Friday evenings starting much earlier for specific activities, but also make sure those that only want to do normal length times will still get something out of the evening.

This is part of the problem when people make do and mend; it is assumed that volunteers will suck it up and manage.


Thanks for giving an insight, I was on an activity when the stop came out so this will be my first parade night since. I’ll ask the Sqn and see what they come up with. Wish me luck!

Some of us will because ultimately I’m responsible for the Cadets on my Squadron and doing what I can for them.

The stop isn’t going to disappear just because we don’t like it, I will take it on face value that it is only until 31st August and that during that time they’ll sort out to a level we can work again.

I enjoy cadets despite the politics - that’s why I volunteer. And if that means Ive got to make do and mend then I will. My heart is still very much still in the cadets and I still enjoy doing what I do (and has been for a good few years, I had a ■■■■■ time a few years ago took some time out and came back better for it)

Which is fine; but don’t complain when nothing changes.

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If the end date then dissapears etc then that’s a different matter. I’m not going to ruin a whole summer for the cadets because I disagree with it, regardless of whose at fault it wouldn’t of been done without a reason.

but there are other ways of asking/ pushing for change without punishing the cadets from a Sqn view. If I refuse to adapt anything for the Summer then I am as bad as them, and ultimately me doing nothing wont impact anything.

I think it’s a bit of a Catch 22 situation, one I’m very glad not to be in.

You put so much time and effort into your Sqn that sitting back and doing nothing isn’t really an option, so you try and fill the gaps as best you can so that your Cadets still have something to do and to look forward to, ultimately, you don’t want to let them down. If you don’t then you risk losing Cadets and seeing your Sqn suffer but in turn are handing it to Region / HQAC on a plate that no matter how much of the brown sticky stuff they throw at Sqns and CFAV’s, they will still keep fighting to keep things going, and yes, there is the problem right there, it is assumed that we’ll manage and we do, because we don’t want to let the Cadets down.

One of my old Sqns is now in SW Region following a Wing reshuffle and if I was still there, I’d be doing the same, rejigging as much as I could so that the Sqn still had a Summer to look forward to.


How many dining in nights have been lost and at what cost due this BS.

The new listing of what activities that attrac VA etc under Air Rifle it states available at unit level, great try and get a CFAV onto a SATT Air Rifle RCO, a serious lack of course and places available.

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That’s what I’m looking for, however due to lack of any other shooting available in the wider wing am unable to get the range time to fill my ticket.

What region are you? Most SATTs are running them now, W&W ran one in July and one in August.

The key is to get in early in the year with the bids to fill up the courses. The SATTs should be confirming the attendance about 6 weeks in advance so if people don’t apply early the courses get cancelled.

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For me there’s a potential follow up to this situation that is probably more for the next CAC, which is “is now the time to completely review the region structure nationally?”

We now have 2 regions out of 6 using a pillar model: logistics, personnel, infra.

HQAC also has logistics, personnel, and infra roles.

If the logic of switching to pillars within a region is to prevent 3-6 (nominally 6) duplications of responsibility, should we be considering a unified, national initiative to simplify these structures.

Do we then need 6x Groupies? We’re budget-constrained, after all…

Could we make do with SME FTRS WgCdrs at HQAC overseeing activities? Do we even need that? CFAV SME WgCdrs sitting above the region CFAV SMEs instead?

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Personally see no point in having Region SMEs. Just let the Wing ones talk to the HQ ones.


I’m off the opposite view. Sack off the majority of Wing SMEs, and increase the regional ones. Instead of 1 RShO and 6 WShOs, have 1 RShO with a few deputies that can then specialise. Would work well with AT too.


Split the difference - have one of the wing SMEs be the regional SME with another as their deputy.

Move it towards a first amongst equals basis rather than a command allows someone who is actually current in the area to take the lead.


Think in that case I would lean towards a slightly larger regional CFAV SME team, with HQAC back up and fewer wing level.

Easier geographical coordination of effort in my mind.

Push more perm staff roles up to HQAC, and CFAV WSO roles up to regions.

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