The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

The TVW comms does.

It says directly and by social media

What does?

Let’s be clear, attacking anyone for this either physically or over social media isn’t on and we condemn it.


And should be traceable by MoD Police.

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Lets be clear here, this is the side effect of 3 people having to do the job of 7. Would you really be happy having double the workload/doing a higher paid grades job without the relevant renummeration. I certainly wouldnt.

Im not necessairly irritated by SW Region (although i still dont get why activities are banned where they have no involvement, but hey ho), im irritated by the lack of support they recieved from above thats forced them into this position.

And ill stop now before i get a wind your neck in email.


FWIW, I see this as part of the problem.

Appreciating you’re in a Wing position so things are a little different, but there’s definitely a “nail that sticks out the most” mentality at Corps level instead of a “maybe we should look introspectively at what we can do better” one.

Complains are too easily shrugged off, and then we end up with situations that are to the detriment of cadets and CFAVs.


Yep. This is something that should have been headed off as soon as the first activity reduction was even mooted.

To not provide a contingency to avoid a worsening of the situation is a completely inept lack of management.

We talk about the postcode lottery between squadrons due to CFAV interests and skills, even between Wings is somewhat understandable, but for HQAC and CAC to allow an entire region to FAIL TO DELIVER THE CADET EXPERIENCE they like to bang on about is unforgivable (however temporarily but at this scale that’s a weak argument especially considering the delays and deadline slips so far).

Tony Keeling signing off on this (assuming true - it surely passed his desk) is the laziest, most neglectful, and slopiest shouldered nonsense of his tenure.

The organisation is now (arguably again - 2014), without hyperbole, failing in its mission, not delivering what was advertised, and still taking money from people. Taking subs, costing squadrons money from deposits and banning fundraising activities, and not allowing bread and butter activities during peak season is disgraceful mismanagement and incompetence.

SW has been a cluster since Jason Chalk took the seat, with no sight yet of meaningful redemption. Jam tomorrow is not convincing under the circumstances when tomorrow has already been and gone after the first round of promises.


Mod hat on.

Can you please, please stop being so cryptic. If you’re going to post about a very serious topic, like the one you’ve thrown in like a hand grenade on the public forum, you need to be clear, detailed and cite your source.



“It says” with no indication of what it is


Luckily this ban on activities is not as bad as it first sounded. We have some excellent Sqn and wing staff who are already planning an array of on-squadron activities, and they are planning to hit the ground running in September. In a negative thread, I think it is important to recognise the efforts of CFAV who fight to keep activities available to cadets.


We seem to be fighting against a tide of poo though. We have some of the best volunteers in the country in our organisation, who are doing fantastic things. But we’re being let down massively by the CoC above us.


Kudos to them. It’s also important to recognise that the additional effort shouldn’t be a burden placed upon and expected of volunteers.

Having to “fight” to maintain any sense of normal operations should not need to be discussed.


Well said - & likewise there are number of paid staff fighting to get the best for us volunteers but hampered by wider MOD bureaucracy & difficulty in challenging their organisation (whilst trying to keep their job less the tallest daisies get chopped first)


which in my humble opinion, while i’m sure some, if not many people, disagree, is by far one of the most daft policy decisions there could’ve been.

the benefits (as far as I can tell) for combining the two structures haven’t made an appearance (or certainly not a noticeable one), and we’ve ended up with all the downsides (cue squabbling between ATC and CCF units.)

My citation being someone at HQ being unable to understand that if our Section wants to do a camp, middle of August in Scotland for a CCF unit in W&W Region isn’t exactly ideal, since we can barely achieve the ratio required of Cadet to Staff and so we end up binning it off. We also (although I’m not entirely convinced this is the norm) basically have no interaction with ATC units, apart from HQ-run camps (thank you and rest in peace ACLC.)

Don’t get me wrong, the staff in ATC are amazing and I have the utmost respect for the vast majority of them. I just feel from personal experience that little has been gained from the whole subsuming of CCF into the ATC structure.

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Sorry was not intentionally being cryptic, the AOC has stated via our Wg Cdr:

'I am aware that some of our hardworking staff have been subject to personal attacks, directly and on social media. Such attacks are utterly unacceptable and frankly not in keeping with our values and standards."

Point was negative feed back is inevitable and should be duly processed, but abusive feedback is not acceptable

Apologies for any offence.


You should have started with that.

Surely by now you know that even in SW Region 5 wings will have had 5 different stories at 5 different times. (It’s 5 because usually BGW haven’t even been told yet.)


Certainly does make a joke of the line he peddled “do what is right, not what is easy”


And that highlights the problem, the comms is not good, hqac should have foreseen the problem and put in some contingency planning, but its was to say stop to cover their inadequacies. 1/6th of the corps is now pitentially missing out on sone excellent opportunities.

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It’s one of many, many problems. But we shouldn’t add to them by being less than clear ourselves.

Remember, a LOT of people learn about what’s going on in this organisation from here before they hear it officially. (If they ever do!)

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Here and the meme pages.