The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

For now.

Plus there’s already been a ban on any activity requiring public funds in SW. So I’m guessing there’s been no weapon movements for a month already, so no WHTs.


Forgive my cynicism, but I believe this is going to last as long as the gliding pause


Must have been March/April we were told to stop planning anything with CS involvement with the pillar change, shooting was specifically highlighted as AR only.

1 sep resume is gonna be tight for a lot of WHTs, especially assuming that the CS won’t approve any MT requests until the either.


I think you are missing one:

  • The decision to disband the HQ RAFAC CCF branch, and add the admin burden previously handled by this branch to Wing and Region staff

As @themajor has already highlighted, this has been a continuation on restrictions, started in Mar/Apr.

Where no Permanent Staff involvement, and specified only AR to be conducted.

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Yes regularly see adverts for CCF FULL time staff.

A school staff instructor, paid for out of the schools budget.

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While I have not followed then fine details of all the changes to the administration of the RAFAC under the current leadership I do have some general comments to make about the key factor that may have led to the current situation, effective management (or the lack of it).
The full-time administrative resource of the RAFAC is finite. If you go back far enough we were a paper driven organisation with the vast majority of the permanant staff moving those pieces of paper around the organisation. Those who drove the digitalisation of our parent service appear to have given little, if any, thought as to how their own sponsored cadet organisation might benefit by being able to piggyback on their IT developments. As a result, our systems were produced piece-meal, often driven forward by individuals but with little thought as to the overall impact they would have on either the full-time staff or volunteers.
In any successful business the on-going risk assessment process will monitor the changes to the administrative burden on staff brought about either by the labour-saving benefits of suitable IT-(a potential reduction of effort) or to the introduction of new processes ( a potential increase in effort).
This will be mapped against the minimum number of staff that will be required to carry out all the organisations’ functions, with an analysis projected forwards at least 4¬-6 months to highlight potential problems ( and in a volunteer delivered organisation this time should be extended).
This, for me, is the unfortunate part of the current situation in the SW. Not that it happened but that the management processes in place failed to alert the volunteer team in a timely manner. Surely this is the minimum that CFAVs should expect?.

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AEF/VGS and National Camps are excluded from the stop of off Sqn activities. Extended Footprints can also be used.


All small and full bore shooting has been stopped since December in SW Region. Only air rifles have been allowed in the last 8 months. No cadets will have WHTs on any weapon!!!

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Because the cadets don’t want shooting or fun activities. They want classroom based lessons leading to BTECs that won’t be recognised as useful by anyone in the relevant industries.


Apparently staff have been under personal attacks ?

Well, i have my Civ Comm AGM soon and, as part of the Annual Report, this sorry state of affairs will form 90%. I’m also going to write to parents trying to outline the situation as plainly as I can.

Am I concerned? You bet…

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Permanent? Volunteer?

More context please.

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Limited shooting through directive from RC SW.

Limited to Air Rifle only. Rationale is that there is no requirement to use Permanent Staff resource in supporting those activities (no wpns bookings, no vehicle bookings for moves, no VA or F1771 requirements).

Anything that was approved before the stop, could go ahead, so there has been extremely sporadic shooting and fieldcraft activity across the SWR.

SW also removed all hubs.

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Verbal or physical?

wow - thats unbelievable

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On SERVE I’ve seen a number of FTRS posts for ‘FS Cadet Training Team’ recently, at stations hosting wing and/or region HQs. Although ‘cadet training team’ sounds like it could be cross-RAFAC, the description made it clear they were CCF posts.

Edited to add example:

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Except the email order from RC SW doesn’t mention that exemption at all . . .