The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

The RAFAC is not the organisation I joined. Root and stem it is rotten, from worthless ladder climbers without a clue in key positions around HQAC, to a Pers/SG team that doesn’t care about the damage it does to volunteers with it’s long term sub standard investigations. The organisation is broken. And this is another nail in the coffin of an organisation that provides less and less every day. Volunteers are worthless, the ‘cadet experience’ has ceased to be anything worth having.

I have resigned today. I haven’t enjoyed it for a long time, there is no enjoyment for me anymore.

Best of luck to those of you who stay, but RAFAC as I knew it died a long time ago, and I’m not going to stick around and watch it sink further into the abyss.

Maybe I’ll follow @Baldrick and see what the SCC has to offer.

Good luck troops.


we should try to understand what a Rgn SME is doing that is different to a Wing SME.

for me, a Wing role is, be it shooting, AT, Radio, First Aid - whatever is overseeing SMS events (offering event approval etc) AND also conducting Wing opportunities and potentially Squadron visits (this could be run the SME topic, to promote it at a Squadron which doesn’t get involved, or to meet with CFAVs who require some guidance)

Region SME role: overseeing SMS. All the CFAVs our Wing have “lost” to Region, are never seen again and other than Region Sports (coordinating Region led competitions), I don’t hear from them again either.

I am very much in favour of a Wing SME - in our Wing, in nearly all cases the Wing SME leads events in their subject matter for the Wing. the first Aid officer, organising first aid courses, the shooting officer, organises Wing shooting, DofE Officer, leads the Wing DofE exped, Radio Officer, runs radio courses etc.

So I would be against losing that resource - it is useful to the Wing structure.

If someone can point out to me what i have missed out from the Region SME role I might change my view, but as someone with a a long standing view that Region is just a “filter” to HQAC, I am not sure what they offer.
Far better to expand HQAC by 25% and lose Regions in my opinion.

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Well F my old boots.

What an absolute shower.

Granted the entire CS has been “stretched” the last few years but this is a joke.

Glad I banged out 5 years ago!

You lot should try it… much better drinking beer without pesky cadet nonsense to deal with! :joy:

Good luck dealing with this mess.

The artist formerly known as Perry.



Volunteer - See Our Available Volunteer Roles - Sea Cadets (


Someone should track the number of visits this site gets, and see if its increase mirrors the declining RAFAC cfavs numbers


When I was in a Region role I saw it as a way to collaborate between Wings, spread best practice and work on staff development. I know of other Regional Staff who did similar.

Unfortunately you’re right that a lot don’t do anything with it.



How have you been!

Been a long time since we were “essential” range staff in Kent!


Heard from my sisters squadron that as they’ve had to cancel a PGL type camp they had planned for the cadets in 3 weeks time, that they will likely loose the nearly £7k they’d paid. Making the Squadron potentially financially unstable and possibly closing.

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That’s ‘get the media involved’ levels of BS. Really sad to hear. CFAVs shouldn’t be having to deal with this. Especially on such short notice.

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If it’s got to that stage, some drastic action is needed. This should be covered by Region or the Air Cadet charity.

An extreme option, if that doesn’t work out,


And get the MP involved.


This was always my impression but, we’ve had two Wing SMEs step up recently And both have remained active within the wing and with their old Sqns

Seeing the word ‘expert’ (as in SME) always reminds me of something that was doing the rounds when i was at School…

EX = has-been
SPERT = a drip under pressure

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Not sure how it’s me getting this information out in Peru from a region I was never even involved with, but a contact has sent me some details.

"Turns out a few civil servants threatened to quit if workload didn’t reduce. Couple that with leave over August.

Ultimatly this is a “fire break” before what could have been an indefinite pause.

So what happens in September the flood gates are reopened?"

Personally, I find myself questioning what catastrophic mismanagement has led to having civil servants having too much workload to the point of effectively giving an ultimatum of “industrial action”?

Also, having seen how much work some civil servants do, I wonder if they actually know what an average person’s normal workload looks like…


Will there be much or a Region left by that point?



Some civil servants do very little - some are rushed off their feet including those trying to make up for the lack of work by their colleagues!

Generalising a bit the lower the civil servant grade the more work they actually do.

You also have a weird “wheels fall off” government crisis surge capacity that’s invoked ever now & then.

It tends to me more the mindset of “ not my department” that is the issue than people’s work loads.


Good news, the local station families day is likely to go ahead, the ACF have been drafted to complete the marshalling duties (including car parking) we normally do.

I guess they are more likely to get a muster as a thank you now with much air experience


I hope someone has emailed the AVM letting him know about this stupidity. If the ACF can car park, then so can we. It makes no sense. We both have the same top level cover.


That’s embarrassing. RAFAC can’t support our parent service to do a simple task, but another cadet force can :sob: