The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

Not necessarily. The email only states “…between 29 Jul—31 Aug 24 inclusive, the SW Region will stop all off-squadron activities…”. Just had a discussion with RHQ for clarification and pending response, but the gen is that it was intended to mean off-Sqn activity that isn’t already in the pipeline. I’ll confirm when I know more…

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That’s not what it says though, is it. It clearly says all off-squadron activities.

Does anyone fancy sharing the full wording of the email?

Crack on then, I’m only telling you what I’ve heard from the inside :joy:

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You may well be right, I’m just saying that is really not what the email says. If what you’re saying is correct then who the hell wrote that email so poorly?!


Any indication on a break in Subs due to the depleted activity list?

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Due to the ongoing staffing crisis, the benefits of the Functional Operating Model have not yet been fully realised, although we have already had significant positive feedback for the new standardised processes, which, in many cases, have resulted in quicker service to the CFAV or cadet.

Secondly, and the most difficult for all of us, is the fact that we still need to be at a stage where we can safely enable the full range of cadet activities. Unfortunately, we are now at a point where the only way I can do that with the current resources is to take one step back to help us take two steps forward.

Therefore, between 29 Jul—31 Aug 24 inclusive, the SW Region will stop all off-squadron activities, except for National Camps and AEF/VGS activities. This pause will allow PS time to reset by clearing backlogs of work, completing SOPs, and upskilling staff so that the business function can achieve Full Operating Capacity. This will enable the full suite of cadet activities with effect from 1 Sep 24.

How do we go about understanding to what extent the “Functional Operating Model” contributed to the “staffing crisis”?

Evidently, the model isn’t very functional…


To be fair, it’s an attempt to deal with it. Because we went from 6 WgExos to 3.

I suppose what I’m trying to understand is the root cause. What caused the drop to 3?

but what are those tasks?

and how are these tasks impacted by Squadrons conducting events outside their usual 2 parade nights a week so significantly that there is a “backlog”?

other than some (10%) Audits of SMS and some VA and F1771 to handle what “workload” IS SW Rgn are doing that is so directly impacted by “extra” events?

perhaps it is my ignorance of what happens at Region, but I am so lost what different it makes if 1, 10 or 100 squadrons all go to do an event on a weekend to the “workload” at Region that has become so unmanageable that there is no more room in their in-tray?


i think some of it was natural wastage (WExO’s retiring) and Rgn not being permitted to backfill the roles as there is a freeze on recruitment.

I read that very clearly as everything stops, even if planned. They’ve put in a qualifier for national camps and flying so if pre-approved activities weren’t cancelled then they would be in that qualifier.

I’m waiting for all the claims from parents wanting money back for DofE expeditions that they’ve shelled out for. They won’t be able to get a full refund on equipment, and probably not on transport/camp fees in full depending on cancellation policies. Some parents may even have booked a trip away themselves that they now can’t use.

Every squadron OC now needs to write a letter to the parents being blunt and including the contact details for TK, AOC 22 Group and reminding parents who their MP is.

I’d also suggest a refusal to pay Region/HQAC their share of subs


I would guess so, which is poor. Though no fault of their own they as pretty much ineffective.

If only

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We can only hope. I can see mass resignations if this isn’t the case though

Time to call for a nationwide mass CFAV month long strike, all activities, events and parade evenings. Without some retaliation those making decisions so far removed from the ‘ground’ do not see they effect they’re having. No point calling for it in August as it appears SWR will already be on a forced stand down. October?

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Now Wings have control Squadron CWC accounts and funds there is nothing to stop them taking the money it’s part of the agreement between Wing and the CWC.

I said at the time that this a ‘ sinister’ development and a removal if devolved control.


Register your unit as a charity. Overcome and sidestep the problem. The unit ‘CivCom’ (trustees under charity rules) then retains control.

do they not realise, it’s not the RHQ and WHQ who authorise and/or run most events. Why can the RATTO, WATTO, RShO etc not carry on authorising activities? This is really poor from HQRAFAC allowing this to happen.


This is exactly my point I raised above.

What is it that Rgn HQ (ie paid staff) is doing that is so directly impacted by events taking place off Sqn?

SMS is approved by CFAVs, and is it only any resulting VA and HTD which I would expect to reach Rgn HQ - and given the CACE process, I can’t imagine there is much of that being generated right now so what admin SW drowning under?

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