STOP 🛑 Car Parking

I meant that this must have been in discussion for an age.

Ah, yeah, sorry. I guess a decision like this doesn’t happen overnight. Or at least shouldn’t. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone had a nightmare about a cadet getting hit by a car and has decided from that the risk is too high!

The IBN specifically talks about the risks being assessed. I’d love to know by whom.


I’m assuming that it will include a mechanism for reimbursing my Sqn for the £3000 in income we’ll be losing this year alone?..

My Sqn is fortunate that we have lots of support amongst the farming community - which includes me - for training locations for camping, outdoor cooking and the rest, and we get asked to do car parking for a couple of the local agricultural shows. That’s the majority of our income for the year.

Not only will we now not get that income, but having cancelled at short notice,and put those shows in really difficult positions, it’s quite possible that some of the people who both offer us land, and are involved in the Ag shows, will get the hump.

So now we’ll have less training opportunities, but it doesn’t matter, because we won’t be able to afford to get there anyway…

If this had been put out in January, we might have been able to retire in good grace, but now…?

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What about the reputational damage this will cause units up and down the country?

This should have been discussed openly, with notice and a clear policy start date.


an issue last weekend, email went out to RC’s Wednesday, June 26, 2024 3:29 PM - i got an email from my CoC at 16:40 same day…,…

I’ve only now had anything from my wing, after this shambles has been posted as an IBN.


This is the bigger issue really that I see. Lots of OCs going to have to have some hard phone calls this weekend with event organisers saying they can no longer help.

The whole car parking/marshalling thing isn’t just about getting some donations in, it’s about getting out in the community. This may have been overlooked, as it appears to just be seen as a money maker.

The sort of events I’ve done with cadets that involved car parking also normally involved many other things too mind, so hopefully that can carry on. But it’s really not ideal.

do you mean something happened last weekend leading to this change? I thought someone posted saying this hadn’t been triggered by an accident?

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Observed last weekend by AOC that triggered it…

As in, a senior officer has seen cadets parking cars and gone “well, that looks dangerous” and decided to ban it. With less than a week to look at the issue properly…

(I really really really hope it isn’t this)

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Maybe be why not ask him direct! He’s on ‘X’ :man_shrugging:

It may not even be as bad as that, it could have been as simple as the question being saying “I didn’t realise we allowed cadets to do car parking”

& then it snowballs from there.

That didn’t take long. Posted yesterday.


All of which could have been avoided if they’d included it in the IBN and been honest with us.


Just had a thought - surely this sort of policy change announcement & effect on local community should have been purdahed until after the general election.

A lot of local MPs now having to explain why they’ve cancelled the community events.


If their argument is risk then it won’t be postponed.

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I have just spoken to an OC friend who parks about 10,000 cars on one day at a local show which is their main source of income. He contacted the show who said “OK, you’ve done it for 30+ years so we will now ask the Army Cadets as its their first year at the show.” Its in two weeks time and they have spent money on clothing and equipment based on this event. They have never had any issues or accidents. Oh I forget to add, the shoiw offered to cover the Sqn on their insurance anyway.


Policy changes of any organisations however undesirable are cnothing to do with purdah, nice try though.

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We’ve had to go back to a show, and say we can’t support the car parking…after confirming attendance on Wednesday morning!

A carried pigeon would probably arrive with better timing than some of our comms from Handbrake House…


Maybe he almost ran one over or they scratched his Bentley?