STOP šŸ›‘ Car Parking

Canā€™t possibly think why RAFAC ends up with so many FOIsā€¦


Well, got time on my handsā€¦ :smiling_imp:

I have commented (twice) on taking up @Cabā€™s kind offer of a visit, maybe I need to email his PSO.


Online course anyone?

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Please do


Go for itā€¦I havenā€™t seen any hard questions yet though?? I have seen plenty of ill-informed comment which does not accurately reflect the safety processes of the MOD.


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Because it was intolerable. See the above comments esp the one from @Chief_tech

I have asked you plenty about your complete dearth of leadership about volunteers dealing with the fallout of your decision. Your failure to explain it, apologise for the reputational, financial and personal impacts is clear, all you have done is take credit for your ā€œjob well doneā€, and come across as smug, petulant and mocking in your responsea with those who have had to do the hard work dealing with it and receive only non-answers.

Your impact on this forum has done nothing but demonstrate you deserve no respect whatsoever.


But youā€™re not actually answering the question.

Shooting, AT, even safeguarding would all be intolerable if we didnā€™t apply appropriate policy and safeguards. Why canā€™t we look to do the same with car parking, or are you saying there are no control measures that would make it ALARP?

If so, I donā€™t belive it. I think with appropriate safeguards and control measures it can be safe. Yes, youā€™ve seen people doing it badly. That doesnā€™t make it dangerous over all though.

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If he is his counterpart in the ACF doesnā€™t appear to agree with him.

Reach out to my PSO. Would love to chat this through with you if you have the courage to do so.

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I donā€™t care what you think. Iā€™m also not even in the organisation you lead anymore which is why I donā€™t even have to pretend to respect you. Iā€™ve resigned in the last month to join the SCC.

Tell you what though, if you want to demonstrate your state of courage, and do it in public, as opposed to asking someone to donit in private, why donā€™t you draft an email to this whole organisation? Set out that you took the car parking decision, in full. Set out why no alternative courses or training could mitigate it.

Perhaps even apologise for the impacts it caused volunteers on the ground for having to cancel support for local events, some they had supported for years, apologise to the cadets for taking away a valuable source of funding for their activities.

Explain why all of that pain was necessary in light of the very pressing risk that you, and apparently only you, could see.

Go on, tell us how big, clever and brave you are.


Pretty needlessly antagonistic there from a purported senior leader. ā€œIf you have the courageā€?

Though I suppose the only good thing about still being attached to the RAF means that any leadership will only be in place for a few years.


Seems to be quite evident that it doesnā€™t just affect @Baldrick so not exactly great just debriefing him on the decision!



These are perfect. Thank you!

Genuinely disappointed that you arenā€™t up for the conversation. SM is such a poor way of getting messages acrossā€¦hence the Town Halls which will continue TFN at my direction.

Enjoy the SCC but still here for a chat if you wish.

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These town halls?


It think what we have are two circles on the Venn diagram not intersecting.

This is a little concerning as one of those circles is the ā€œSafe System of Trainingā€

Those involved in higher AT & certainly those in the shooting world should be familiar with it should be applying.

Itā€™s simple to get your head round straight forward to apply.

I have just had a look on bader learn & SSofT isnā€™t mentioned in the Health & safety packages. Happy to be corrected if it is there.

Iā€™ve then looked at the past car parking events my Sqn has been invited to particularly the Risk assessments. Theyā€™reā€¦.okay in a RA way but a bit wishy washy. & it is certainly not easy to make out that it covers the SSofT.

So on one hand we have a system of applying a safety model for activities and on the other a completely different system of assessing & managing risk.

Iā€™m a shooting bod so have always applied it since I joined over 15 years ago. As OC I apply it to all my SMS events in the form of a comment & get my staff to do the same to evidence it is in place.

Iā€™ve also nicked the police NDM so when making decisions or planning they are bearing it in mind when doing dynamic risk assessments or checking things off in their heads.

The general gist I am getting from this topic is that whilst risk assessments are completed & SMS events are being approved, the SSofT is not being embedded within the activities resulting in unsafe practise which ten isnā€™t recognised as such hence not being reported.

Worryingly it also indicates that at Wing or region approval level, the RAs arenā€™t being properly looked at.

This is what is leading to the disconnect & the translation gap.

Yes other cadet forces are doing the car parking, but if they have embedded the SSofT into the activity then the functional safety is in place.

So what needs to happen?

From an organisation point of view, safe system of training needs embedding in the cultural mindset.

Easiest way is unfortunately a yearly ELearning package - but it is the simplest & most straight forward way.

Secondly a column needs to be added to the 5010c RA form listing which aspect of the SSofT the hazard is within - probably column 2 after ā€œRefā€. This will make it easier to establish that the RA is compliant with the SSOfT.

What can we do now?

If people want the ban on car parking rescinded then someone needs to write a RA assessment as well as a best practice guide that complies with the SSofT.

It should include things like maximum slope gradient, standard hand signals, supervision ratios (eg 1:5) etc

If youā€™ve got a way of using an anonymous file server then post a link here or alternative screen shots if not too many & it can be peered review.

Parking a Car (unlike marshalling a plane) is a very common place activity to the majority of us so thereā€™s a lot more assumed knowledge & perhaps a bit of complacency with this normalised activity.

Will this make a difference to the current policy?

Probably not in the short term but it may allow a working group to be formed that can explore options & practicalities about whether the activity is viable.


Or, Wing and Region have been looking at the applications, and have been happy with the level of risk. Then one person separately has decided they are not happy with that level of risk.

Separately from that, you have examples of CFAVs not following their RAs.