STOP 🛑 Car Parking

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You’re not paying to do it. You’d be paying the same regardless of whether your child attended the event or not.
But, for many squadrons, no one attending the event means that everyone’s subs go up dramatically to keep funding the more fun stuff. But we need to let it go. @cab has decided to fetter his discretion on the activities RAFAC cadets do and has declared that nothing at all will change his mind on this point.

Making a decision to alter policy with no evidence other than a “gut feeling” and declaring that no evidence will change your mind is pretty much the definition of a Wednesbury unreasonable decision. It may well be that an evidence based decision would come to the same conclusion, as I note others on here have had issues with car parking (I myself have reported another squadron doing car parking dangerously - but no need to throw the baby out with the bath water) but we’ll never know because “gut feeling” trumps a reasonable decision making process. Unfortunately this attitude just adds to the distrust of HQAC and above held by those on the coalface. In the grand scheme of things, whilst frustrating for those units who are now scrambling to rebuild community relations and funding stands, car parking isn’t really a hill to die on, but I wish to god that the MOD could come up with one safeguarding policy for the whole of the MOD sponsored cadet forces. If nothing else, should something happen to one of these Army cadets, a coroner would have a field day looking at this inconsistent policy from the MOD.


Privilege and responsibility.

Paying subs and attending affords the cadets the privilege to do the fun stuff. But doing that fun stuff comes with the responsibility of supporting the squadron’s continued existence through fundraising and engagement opportunities. To expect all of the fun stuff with none of the latter is sheer entitlement.

I understand when the cadets don’t quite grasp this, but it’s disappointing to see a CFAV struggle with the concept.


The more we do in fundraising means less chance of having to ‘up the subs’ because we need the pennies to buy kit for the sqn. And I wouldn’t expect cadets to do the boring things like fundraising, parades and church visits (yes, that is many of my lots feelings) if I couldn’t be bothered going. I’m more than happy to attend if it benefits the cadets and the sqn stores and I’m ‘only a CI’

But it’s the first activity/fundraising that has been responded to with the feeling of one’s guts. If it was this easy to say, I do not want cadets doing this under my watch, what’s next on the chopping block that will or could be cancelled when many sqn’s have already made plans and external organisations have expectations of us turning up.



You not tempted to JR it just for the Lols?

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May be he ha and disagrees, not everyone relies on car parking as an income, and he does make a good point, if sqns have used alternative methods fair play, conversely some have lost out so its not a black and white problem.

No-one is struggling with your so called concept, subs and pay as you go is just one way of doing it whilst fundraising can be used in different ways, whether buying equipment for general use or subsidising activities. Car parking is just on option, there are still a few more options, granted depending on situation may not be as lucrative. By comparison our subs are still low sp a slight rise may be a solution to some units.

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Some see car parking as their main money earner is the year, then they need to look wider for different sources of funding.

As all been said, there are a number of grant schemes out there, open to ATC squadrons, it just requires some thinking when applying, not just turning up in a field and getting money. If money is such an issue, then go use these multiple sources.

For me car parking is the bigger piece, being seen in the public eye, promoting the ‘light blue footprint’, helping in the community.

Off on a tangent, how many squadrons used car parking for DofE volunteering? If they did, and the squadron got paid/donation, then the time spent by cadets cannot be used for DofE. Cadets would be gaining ‘payment in kind’ through the funding going into the squadron account and subsequently used to fund kit/equipment.

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What would be nice is a central store of what grants are available for people to utilise.

This may be a double edged sword though as most people like to keep their money sources secret to avoid over utilisation.

A great idea but there are localised grants, so only appropriate within a small footprint.

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true and a very valid point. while no one could be expected to have a list of all the town based grants, those on a county level could well be brought together by WgHQ, and regionally by RHQ, and nationally by HQAC.

So, we know that the stop order for RAFAC Young Adults undertaking Car Parking / Marshalling duties due to the safety risk came from AOC 22 Gp - who as we know is a senior RAF Officer.

Why, therefore, is the same senior RAF Officer not stopping all RAF Stations from the use of all Young Adults carrying out these duties? If the RAF deem it an unsafe activity for Young Adults in RAFAC, do they not care about the wellbeing of Army & Sea Cadets and members of the Scout / Girl Guiding Associations when they are on RAF Stations?

If @Cab was to instigate a ban across the whole of the RAF for all Young Adults carrying out these duties, at least the links that RAFAC Sqn’s have forged with RAF Stations over the years will have a chance of continuing - instead, it will mean that other cadet forces and youth groups will be the ones invited to families days and other events like Airshows on RAF Stations as they will be offering a service (Car Parking) that the RAF Sponsored Cadet Forces are banned from undertaking.

Either it is risky for all Young Adults or none at all.


I went to the NASC Industry Day last week and was curious as to who would be marshalling traffic considering in previous years, it was CFAV carrying out the role. Imagine my surprise when, once again, it was CFAV’s directing traffic!


Sorry what?! An activity we’ve been told is now specifically not allowed was taking place at a national camp?!

I’m shocked.


One rule for us, one rule for them?..


Thats because it’s car parking and marshalling that’s banned. Directing traffic was not listed, pardon my sarcasm in advance :grinning:

Repeat ad infinitum.

Then HQ wonder why they’re not trusted by the masses when they demonstrate such a lack of integrity, such as not following their own rules.

How long before we find they were having “cheese and wine parties” during lockdown?


Almost like you are trying to sell DofE or a Bronze Leadership course as part of the progressive syllabus. Which covers participation, leadership, teamwork and more. I will admit the comment I made was purposely there for bites as i knew it would however stopping a very non core activity although no accidents/incidents, it isn’t risk free and the reward for HQRAFAC is very limited. When the local carnivals and fairs etc quite a few that stopped and didn’t restart after Covid in our area due to the management teams not meeting up in the pubs and clubs from where they were arranged, straight away if we relied on them for fundraising we would be struggling however we have never done any form of car parking and have looked at fundraising through a needs and when approach through grants etc. This also frees up the cadets to sign up for Wing events, courses and gliding/shooting weekends etc


I look forward to CAB’s response to this.

NASC should not have allowed volunteers to direct traffic.

They should have asked permanent staff to do that instead.

As to Him banning Stations from using any youth group from car parking etc. I think that is only right and proper. Surely a scout or sea cadet has as much chance of being hit by a slow moving member of the public as an air cadet and it has an equally poor look for the RAF if one is injured or killed if not more now that he has “identified “ the excessive dangers for the ATC but doesn’t care about others.


I, for one, am sure that other orgs will be hugely grateful for your concern…