STOP šŸ›‘ Car Parking

My thought entirely, but bear in mind he is only AOC of 22 Grp, so unless the AOC of the other groups follow suit we will always have this situation. Interestingly RAFAC due to ban on activities in SWR during August has also pulled out of Bournemouth Airshow obviously high profile for both the RAF and RAFAC.
I am fully expecting to be approached in a none RAFAC role to assist in the management of aviation events where RAFAC had a lead.

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Standby for another ā€˜gut feelingā€™ knee jerk reaction.

As explaned numerous times it wasnt a knee jetk

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Funny how only you and Cab seem to see it that way.

If it wasnā€™t an evidence based analysis of the actual risks, and taken without consultation itā€™s probably a ā€˜knee-jerkā€™.


He only has to convince one person higher up in his own chain-of-command for them to cascade the order downwards.

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Of course not knee jerk, just a personal judgement which doesnā€™t appear to be evidence based, rational, or logical (Iā€™m referring to it appearing not logical or rational to the 90% of people here although Iā€™m sure to the AOC it seems entirely logical and rational - just not to the rest of us plebians)


Springs to mind, if onlyā€¦

It does sound like that is exactly the position HQAC took, prompting the teddies to vacate the pram higher up.

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Well that is the simplistic view on it, the orher view the boss sees something he considers he does not want any risk of injury or worse from a non primary activity so decides to call a stop which he is entitled to do. HQAC could not prove any mitigation to support restartings o the stop remains, meantime everyone else kicks back with 'itā€™s never been a problem so what is the problem this is never a good counter argument so the impasse remains. So rather than beating head against wall mist niw seek further ways to raise funds and engage with public. So no in my vuew ut was not a knee jerk, but i agree the comms was poop.

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Well us plebians could see most RAs that way

I thought Commandant Air Cadets was the boss? :thinking:

He has a boss as well :wink:

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We all have a Boss!


I appreciate that.

But why is AOC 22 group making decisions that someone else is paid to?

Whatā€™s the point of having a Commandant at all? Just a highly paid grip-and-grinner for PR purposes?

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i mentioned this beforeā€¦

if it is the CFAV on the ground, in charge of the activity in the court room dock should anything happen is there really going to be everyone in the CoC above them asked to present their evidence as wellā€¦where does it end?

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Isnā€™t the ultimate boss the king? So really the buck stops with him and everyone else should point up the chain that his delegated authority means he should be in the docks :man_shrugging:

Is he on the Forum?

Port of London? Southampton? Gloucester?

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Well the last 2 wonā€™t work; no way youā€™d get SMS approval with the pause.


Some to do with rafac coming under 22 group who would be accountable for rafac actions.