STOP 🛑 Car Parking

EXACT words



Car Park Marshalling by Cadets.

Key points

  • Car Park Marshalling by Cadets is to cease with immediate effect.

Although current policy may allow car park marshalling by cadets as a mechanism for charity fundraising this has to be assessed against any risk to cadets and car park users that may arise.

Having reassessed the risks to young people when engaging in such activities and the potential for wider MOD liabilities to arise it has been determined that the risks are not to be tolerated.

ACP300 and ACTO 10, will be amended to reflect this clarified position.

Im out of the loop.

Was this via email, sharepoint notice, IBN?

Not received on email, not received via announcement, not listed on sharepoint.

Speculating but could it be that there’s been pushed back by certain regions to clarify & phase in rather than a sudden yank & as such it is not a current HQ policy as yet?

First step any regions would do is collate the events being effected & send the list back to HQ. No new events permitted but certain existing ones permitted on a case by case by

There might even be a rationale that MoD central has dictated that they events are no longer to be indemnified putting this in the same category of bouncy castles rather than an instant stop.

Until it’s shared as an IBN on sharepoint it’s not a policy change. Someone said is was due to be posted by the end of yesterday that’s 24hrs later suggesting things occurring behind the scenes.

I don’t think it would be a full reversal but it maybe a fast phase out.

Not doubting the providence of your email but it’s not official policy yet.

We complain that there mish-mash comms in RAFAC but what if this time it’s because the regions are fighting our corner?

My interpretation of that, trying to think from the viewpoint of today’s RAFAC leadership, is that the RAF don’t want to be dragged into litigation about damage to cars and allegations that cadets contributed to an accident. As car parking doesn’t benefit the RAF or contribute to Astra, the risk outweighs any benefits.

They are either ignoring or more likely don’t understand the benefits at a Sqn level. It’s not just fundraising, it’s contributing to the community, it’s giving cadets (and staff) real leadership and teamwork experience, it’s practicing communication with the public and radio skills.

Pulling out of our local car parking event that we’ve done for 30+ years, with only a few days’ notice, is going to hammer our reputation locally :sob:


That’s IBN format, so I assume that’s from the draft?

So this isn’t a temporary pause, it’s a full stop for good?

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Good denizens of the ACC community, Is this just another twist in the spiral? A potential high value income stream denied to Squadrons, which will have a knock on effect upwards and an effect on the cadets downwards.

Is the RAFAC in a death spiral?

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It has ceased to be a spiral and is now full blown free fall.


The big problem with this is that CWCs who by fund-raising including the use of car parking activities will have a shortfall in relation to the support that they may be able to offer cadets who have family financial difficulties. IIRC up thread that their CWC income was ÂŁ1500 from car parking which is a lot of support to cadets, in particular if other areas are difficult to access. .

Where I live the RAFAC has already retreated into the nicer areas of Liverpool and the surrounding areas where the majority are far more affluent, but that doesn’t say that parents in these areas don’t have difficulties, just that they maybe less likely.

Then there are other incidentals such as supporting the use of an SOV or computer upgrades or the purchase of AT equipment.

Fund-raising is hard enough at the best of times, in particular as the RAFAC is competing for the same money available against a lot of other ‘charitable’ entities, but this has just made it even harder.

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Can Adult Staff and Civ Comm still do it?

Might be the only way to get fundraising, but i know its a pain to drag that many staff and civ comm in, especially for small units.


Same indemnity, so probably not.

That wording is very specific in terms of cadets, not all of us. There are already plenty of examples of activities in ACP 300 that are indemnified for CFAVs only.

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I didn’t know such things existed.

Cue all the usual comments about Liverpool, ever been here?

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Nicer ≠ nice


A few times when using Altcar ranges, but generally I manage to avoid it.

Then you don’t know what you are missing, I could disparage London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds in the same way. I lived in London for a year and Manchester on and off for 20 years, two of the biggest 1mt targets that I wouldn’t miss.

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And back on the topic.

So no national announcement as yet although some wings have guillotined the activity ahead of an IBN.

What SHOULDN’T happen is that the IBN is dumped on sharepoint at 16:00 on Friday with no other guidance, leaving weekend events in limbo.

No not in limbo, but what ever the guidance that comes out says, ready for the hand grenades on Monday morning!