STOP šŸ›‘ Car Parking

Iā€™ve seen this with cadets doing car parking. Randomly gone to a re-enactment show up North and air cadets were doing the car parking.

The cadets were standing in front of the cars directing them to move directly towards them whilst standing next to the rear of another car.

It was a muddy field on a hill - one slip & the car would have pinned the cadet against the other vehicle.

Oh & all the staff were in a 12x12 in the show ground 500m away.

Yes itā€™s done safely in areas but in a lot of areas it isnā€™t & the knowledge & experience to do it safely is fading.

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No, never would we ever.

Cadets can signpost, with staff floating around. Absolutely no chance of them standing in front of the car.

Volunteer self harm. Policy written for the lowest common denominator.

That leads to irritating the capable, banning perfectly reasonable activities for the masses; instead of just educating the odd muppet.

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There is to be a lot of CWCs see a lot of their annual income disappear to the detriment of Squadrons, maybe this the plan, then why do you need CWCs if they canā€™t raise funding?


Are we going to find out why this stop has been issued or is it like a referee decision, #DecisionMade with no explanation :grimacing:


From the email Iā€™ve seen its basically, more details and reasons to follow.

Donā€™t plan to undertake.

Some see money for car parkingā€¦

Iā€™m currently seeing it as purchasing a new 3 man tentā€¦

ā€¦or an upgrade to one of our PCs

ā€¦some new Bashas for upcoming fieldcraft training.

Go to VAR!


Donā€™t plan to undertake?

Already got two lined up, small community events relying on our longstanding relationship for support, they certainly donā€™t have the volunteers to step should we get cut off at the knees. There goes 70% of our donations for the year.

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Sussex Wing used to do a significant amount of this sort of thing in the summer, as a wing wide activity, namely Shoreham Airshow before the crash and Edenbridge and Oxted show before someone realised we were being used as cheap labour to line some peopleā€™s pockets. But these events went on for years without incident (relating to parking cars at least, many other incidents!)

It was always made very very clear, you never stand directly in front of the car when guiding it to where you want to go. Want to use a hand signal to get them to pull forward? Always stand to the side. The briefings were always thorough, even going as far as ā€˜practisingā€™ by getting all the staff with cars to come and park etc. And on show days when cadets were parking real cars, staff were directly supervising. Risk managed. Done.


I think whatā€™s changed & cause the knowledge how to operate safely to be lost is

  • covid where we stopped doing the events & the knowledge passed on between generations of cadets was lost

  • reduction in VGSs where staff cadets could regular attend & learn the marshalling skills for aircraft that could be used at community events.

  • changes to the syllabus with less emphasis so the classification topic covering marshalling is no longer studied.

Some sqns do car parking & excell at it but with the reduced staff & reduced knowledge base itā€™s becoming more of a specialist skill than something that could be run with some common sense.


This organisation is very close to being in the bin if this is true. If not, Iā€™ll happily take 2% of our dear leaderā€™s salary a year to fund the events weā€™ll now have to cancel.


It is true, I have now had emails down through CoC in LaSER and an email from Wing in SWR

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Iā€™ve had an email from oc wing, but no chain so it could be her idea of HQs

correct - there has never been traffic marshalling by Cadets at RIAT. there have been examples of access gates being manned by cadets (which is simply to open the ā€œgateā€ (rope) and track it across the publicā€™s path thus stopping the two ever meeting but never car parking

this was always my understanding of the set up.

Car parking as such was never on the approval list (not saying it was on a banned list) by ā€œtraffic marshallingā€ was the correct wording to get approval - which is simple pointing cars in the direction they should go, there is never any hand waving " a bit more, a bit moreā€¦right stop there sir" to line cars up in a straight line along the rows

now I was always under the impression this involvement of ā€œtraffic marshallingā€ (car parking) was banned although I know I wonā€™t find a reference for it.
I am sure on an SMS event Wing commented words to the effect ā€œCadets and Staff are not to position cars into a parking spaceā€

remember to consider drones should you be carrying them between buildings

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Using a rope to stop traffic to allow pedestrians to cross sounds an awful lot like traffic marshalling to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


which is exactly permitted as I understand it.

but car parking, where the waving the hand indicates ā€œkeep coming, keep coming STOP!ā€ is not permitted

Not right now itā€™s not, thatā€™s exactly what this stop order has stopped. Which is why @emz was asking about it at RIAT, given itā€™s only a couple of weeks away. You said there has never been traffic marshalling by cadets at RIAT, and then proceeded to describe cadets traffic marshalling :joy:

Interestingly I note that ACTO 010 suggests that ā€œcar parkingā€ as an activity requires minimum Wing sign off anyway so this isnā€™t simply a case of not trusting Sqn OCs to do thing correctly, but not trusting Wingā€™s approval process to ensure appropriate measures are in place.

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A really good point! So this is already considered a higher-risk activity that needs a higher sign off anyway. I had assumed given the stop order this was self-approvable.

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ahh right i get you.

in my mind traffic marshalling = directing where traffic should go

what i meant by the above was the closest to traffic marshalling was:

cone and rope barrier blocking off an access road at two ends, to permit pedestrian traffic to pass. as and when vehicle traffic reached the cone and rope, the Cadet team would swing the rope 90Ā° to block off the pedestrian access and in turn permit the vehicle traffic to continue along its route.

this is the closest Cadets got to ā€œtraffic marshallingā€ at RIAT

it there is no arm waving go in this direction, it is more a junction control situation. the traffic know where they want to know, the Cadets were simply opening up the road to them by blocking off the pedestrians

Thereā€™s clearly an expectation that this stop wonā€™t be lifted for this weekend. This spreadsheet shows C&E COS cancelling events already approved for this weekend.

They are also listing events as far out as November, which is concerning.