Space award

Just did the award myself.
Took 38 min. Including all reading and videos.
Wouldnt exactly say it’s difficult. More PRE blue badge!

But Very good material and well put together. I particularly like the disclaimer and instructions on the cadet version, telling them how to use ultilearn at start of the course.

Not sure where to get the certificate.
Also doesnt look like it can be added to SMS as a qual yet.

Finally, the course is very dependent on 3rd party weblinks, what provision is in place to edit the course when these links inevitably break.

So, great material, but feels very small and without future proofing.

Do you think that a 12/13 year old would enjoy it as much?

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I would like to think so, but sadly no.
It’s pretty dry material, well dressed up.

What’s really needed are practical activities, resources for each Sqn to go with it.

A lunar chart, star gazing map and a pair of binoculars for each Sqn, funded by HQAC wouldnt go amiss.

Already got 30 pairs of binos on Sqn for fieldcraft will double up for moon watching for Bronze space award when its released!

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The certificate is available on the training officers area too. here.

I’ve just gone through it, and while it’s much improved from what it was when my squadron trialled it, it’s still not really pitched correctly for the age group it’s intended for.
We are supposed to be an organisation that recognises and excels in delivering vocational practical learning, and the more we can do to get away from death by PowerPoint (or death by Articulate, or Prezi, or whatever else) the better.

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I’m sorry, have you looked at my username? :laughing:


So in reading the How To guide, it says cadets are to be first class before completing the blue space award. That means, for the majority of my squadron, they can’t complete the award as have yet to pass first class, but the whole point of the the PTS and specifically the blue syllabus, was to go alongside the first class syllabus, so for some squadrons, that means most of their cadets turning up to VPNs can’t actually do the award for a while till they can get them through, and signed off for first class

I did not see that.
Seems a totally pointless ruling.

While yes, the idea is Blue should be done alongside the First Class Syllabus, there is so much in FCC already that i’m not sure it’s a bad thing.

It’s only been 6 hours and already produced the first certificate.


I wonder when the Bronze, Silver and Gold will be released, and where these modules will fit into them.

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If a cadet completes blue space on ultilearn. Does it show up on ultilearn qualifications on their profile?

If not. How do we know If they have actually passed?


It’s in the delivery guide. You run a report on Ultilearn.

I have a how to guide with pics. If anyone needs it drop me a dm

Thanks. Therefore yes it must show up under ultilearn quals.

It doesn’t in SMS. Just on Ultilearn. I believe it has to be manually linked to SMS and this hasn’t been done yet as far as I can see.

yep, and apparently won’t be added to SMS unless it’s requested by TG

Why wouldnt that be automatic… for a qual?
Why isnt that part of the process…


I would expect this to pull through to SMS as Qualification > General Qual as our mandatory training does, does anyone have a keen cadet to check if that is the case.

Being a manually added qual does require it being added to the database, SMS is built based on policy, their is currently no policy on space, and therefore the qual does’t exist and won’t be added to SMS

because there is currently no actual policy supporting the space award . . .