Space award

I accept this up to the point that i am reminded that RAFAC decided to create the course.

As far as I am aware no one approached RAFAC with a Space course suggesting we offering this to the Cadets.
If we [RAFAC] commissioned the course then we should have a say in the content to the creators.
the RAF do the same to Aircraft manufacturers or other kit suppliers:
RAF: We want it to be do X, Y and Z
Supplier: Sure, that will cost £zillion

with this in mind…

…^that is the only outcome!

Is this finally coming out en mass in tomorrow’s Training Tuesday then?

I’ll find out when a cadet gets in touch after they’ve seen it before I have on social media.

Edit to say: Or not, if RAFAC social media is suspended!

Social media suspended? We’ve heard nothing about this

it’s come down from MoD due to the situation regarding the USAF F-15.

Of course as it’s going via the CoC it may have got stuck somewhere.

Yup. Nothing come through here either

Looking at the distribution list, it was sent via the MCO distribution list, so your wing’s MCOs will have received it. I guess it depends on how often they check their email. I don’t think CCF appear in any of the email addresses!

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Makes zero sense to me, don’t recall this ever happening when a UK aircraft has suffered a mishap. Not that it matters as HQAC have gone ahead and posted the space syllabus on the RAFAC Facebook page anyway… :roll_eyes:

yep, I think we’ve just been included without thought. . .

But yes, the space award has been launched 8 months later than planned. :laughing:

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That’s not bad timing

Is it on the RAFAC Facebook page? I can’t seem to find any space post unless it’s been removed.

We’re talking about the space award here, please keep to that discussion

Tweet not available? Someone jumped the gun?

The route is not active - “HQAC Sub-sites” is not “clickable.”

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And this is because she likes ‘gettin’ down wiv de kids, innit’ instead of cascading information through proper channels via the CoC.

IMHO, the cadets should be the last tier to be briefed once all the CFAV’s have been made aware of everything that they need to know. Doesn’t she get it that if the kids know things before we do, we’re unable to provide answers to queries received? I often wonder how she would feel if AOC 22Grp briefed CFAV’s on important policy and she didn’t get told until afterwards when we started asking HER questions…


You’ve got to remember we’re a volunteer organisation and any cascading down the CoC will ultimately result in some cadets knowing sooner than others. Those cadets will talk to others and your problem is still present.

Not saying the whole social media mess is a good thing, but the CoC isn’t a perfect solution.

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Guys, space award. Not comms policy.

But it’s a better solution then skipping the CoC fully. If cadets are asking staff questions about things we don’t know about due to a lack of information, it makes us look bad. What’s wrong with sharepoint announcements? Yeah you have to check them, but once, maybe twice a day, just checking it to know what is going on is so much less work than being asked questions and then having to try and find the answer hidden somewhere in amongst everything else that’s on sharepoint, and even harder considering the search function is basically redundant due to the amount of stuff that’s saved on sharepoint. That way it’s down to issues on the staff at a squadron level for not checking instead of a fault at HQAC for not letting their volunteers at the bottom know what’s going on.

Comms policy is directly relevant to the discussion of the space award, because any interest garnered by the massive press of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 has been completely wasted by the organisation’s lack of organisation in rolling it out some 11 months after first discussing it.

We can’t separate the two. The Corps hasn’t given us that option.

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How To Guide 11 - Blue Space

Blue Space - Applications of Space Technology

Facebook Post was up but has now been removed.

You need to expand the group of sites by selecting the arrow in the left side, you can then access the Training Officers Area



Strange - all the other areas, even if with a “list” or sub-menu seem to be accessible by just clicking on the menu item rather than the arrow.