Space award

I have little faith in this from what I’ve currently heard.

It’s hard enough encouraging the cadets to revise and sit classification exams that will actively benefit their cadet “career”. I.e. higher they go more opportunities open up to then.

Getting them to do research/project work will be near impossible.

However I am open to having my mind changed!

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It sounds to be like it’s been come to from the wrong angle.

To me, the blue badge should be about introducing a topic and getting people interested in it.
From what I’ve read about here, this will only grab the attention of those who already like space.

Feels like an opportunity lost.

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I agree 100% Blue & Bronze should be delivered training, by all means self study can be used but that should be for Silver/Gold where an interest already exists.


So… is this a thing then?

yes, it’s a collaboration with the open university.

Having had a bit of a search around, the OpenScience Laboratory has got some on the Space Award content up on there.

OU have created what OU are used to creating.


no one is shocked by that . . . what I would like to be surprised by is hqac thinking a OU model course is suitable for Blue level. let alone bronze.

I certainly feel more and more that they don’t value or don’t understand the value of instructors/instructor-led learning.

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You just noticed? They have been plopping out shallow training materials for many years, with no care of how to train up the instructors to actually deliver the material!


I didn’t specify where my starting level was, just that it was increasing.

Not caring for the quality of their output is one thing, not caring to train instructors is another, but deliberately omitting the the need for an instructor or failing to recognise the need (or even give them undue credit and say not realising the consequences of what OU produced) - that’s a whole different line they get further over.

whats the result of doing this course? Obviously not badged but is there some btec level qualification or anything?

Nope…just bragging rights. Although younger an “accredited OU” certificate I am not sure where that sits in terms of impact on CV etc

A talking point. It wont offset A level physics or even a GCSE - but does offer evidence of extended research and knowledge around a space theme.

It will add weight to a CV - but only after the “essential” requirements have been fulfilled.

For the time it has taken to come out and the fact its backed by the OU I am shocked that its not worth anything tangible.
What is the point…

Might as well have been the ACC space badge if that is the case.

100% regardless of content should have been made to be a worthwhile qualification.
Even if not much for blue, but by Gold something akin to a GCSE or 2.

To be fair, modern Air Power doctrine now recognises space as a military enabler. If we are teaching our cadets about the Air Power and it’s application, then we should be teaching about how the military utilises space.

A lead in subject in by the OU isn’t such a bad thing, as long as the syllabus then follows a more military biased syllabus.

Yeah, we should have more space in our training.
My issue it with the proposed mode if delivery if this blue award. “Choose some subjects, Google them”

Is FASOC still a thing or has it been superseded? Perhaps there’s less of the “future” about it these days… Used to be an aspect to Air Power - at least for those joining the RAF and the elite JLs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Look at what the RAF are actively involved in at Fylingdales and SpOC/NASOC at HW - space plays an increasing part in what the RAF do, but many might not initially realise it.

We’ve been gradually increasing our personnel with tasking in this area.

Hopefully the Space Award will evolve as other badges etc have with feedback.

More over, it will be important to see the blue badge in context with the bronze, silver and gold.

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Badges. Reminds me of: It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles… replace men with persons / people ofc.