Space award

Well I think the intention genuinely was to launch in Oct '19 however the testing Squadrons, and Open University, caused delays.
The Corps Training Officer now wants to wait untill we’ve killed ultilearn and worked out the new platform to then launch the space award.

Well, if so, that should have been considered (by all interested parties) well in advance - now the media genie is out of the lamp, everyone has egg on their faces.

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None of which excuses the fact that we’ve been promised an IBN on it 3 times and still haven’t had anything materialise, and are still just going off rumour.

Saying “oh, so and so had a delay” is a cop out and abdication. He’s Wg Cdr Trng. It’s his trainset. It’s his failure.


That could be a lot longer than this or next year.

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so when was this beta testing completed???
before or after the announcement at RIAT??

seems doomed to failure from the start if the trail wasn’t started/complete at the time dates and promises were being announced!


no idea. shrug

Not quite had an opportunity to check sharepoint yet but has anyone heard more on the space award?

On my daily twitter scroll I noticed one squadron running the Blue Space Sylabus as part of their virtual parade night.

I’ve been asked to trial… seems Corps release will be mid May…


Push it to July and we can have a full year between announcement and release!


Good to finally see some progress with it then!

Ah yes, the ever-so-auspicious 51st anniversary.


my squadron trialled it today.
brutal honesty.

The subject matter is of interest to the cadets, but the method of delivery of this blue award is utter garbage.

Blue level PTS is supposed to be introductory level led by an instructor.

This Blue Space award is entirely cadet driven (they are expected to google a few subjects and copy/paste some information into a question book). While we are running virtually this is “fine” but once we are back on squadrons, we won’t necessarily have access to loads of computers so every cadet can google their own subjects, and it’s not engaging or interactive so doesn’t really fit well with the age group (12/13 year olds).

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It’s being trialled.
Please feed that back. As it sounds like it needs changing.

trouble is, it’s already been trialled once already.

and yes, I have provided my feedback.

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Apparently the Challenge Academy climbing frames were trialled as well…


Who exactly does this 1st stage trialling?

Either they are inept to the point of nature failing.
They have an inside interest in these various companies.

it was trialled by a few Squadrons, not sure where.

But I get the feeling it’s been pushed through by TG.

Usual HQAC then Over Promise and under deliver.

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I am one of the Blue Space trial sqn’s and I had the same feedback about instructor led blue level.

Speaking to someone in TG yesterday, feedback from HQ regarding delivery method of the blue course has already been sent to OU to include more instructor led aspects. We are not the content creators.

And thus demonstrating a huge benefit and disadvantage in one move!