Space award

well yeah . . . RC(N) just shugged when being chased further.

The problem we have is that STEM is a buzz phrase across education and industry and the ATC being the ATC jumped on the bandwagon, to make it look like they were in the mix.
If this had been around 30-40 years ago when we had a decent RAF then I think it would have worked, but then in those days, kids were taught how to do things, so it wasn’t needed.

Please ignore the troll.


Sorry but it is a buzz phrase that gets thrown around and HQAC isn’t funding it and leaving it up to squadrons to make it up. This space award big noises with Tim Peak and then nothing tangible. HQAC need to get their ducks in a row and then launch something, not say something and then do nothing or say it’s over to squadrons.

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Who needs a syllabus that all 40,000 or so cadets can access when you can just send four cadets off to space camp!


Mhmmm and yet again, no internal announcement to a) prepare MCO’s for the announcement so everyone can share it or b) so Squadron staff actually know about it and can answer questions and find the forms.

This is something that RC(N) acknowledged back in July/October that the media announcement had not been handled correctly, and we’ve just done it again.


Whata joke…
What is wrong with people at hqac

“it was also be”

Clearly they’re having a stroke.

ACTO108 it would seem!! However, no set application form that I can see. Ah, that’s TG108!

I made the point on the Fb post concerning communication flow…

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“Thank you, point noted”
Translation: we won’t change so please go away

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Bearing in mind RC(N) said he was going to be bringing up the announcement procedure as part of the original complaints on Valuing our Volunteers.

No chance! :wink:

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same as last time, the Facebook post has since been edited to include that we should look at ACTO108 and TG108.

Just heard from Wg Cmd Trg. Don’t expect the space award to go live till December 2020

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Truly shocking levels of incompetence on display with this whole saga.

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Just the 14 months late than. No big deal…

Really capitalising on that 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 when it comes out checks notes over 18 months afterwards.


Fixed that for you.


Such a farce


What…the… literal… arghhhhhhhhhhh

Incredible. Crass stupidity. How on earth (no pun intended) can the award be launched with such soshial meeja fanfares, then implode???

EDIT - as per soshial meeja build-up, a RIAT “places have been nominated” announcement was on one of the RAFAC (Region??) Fb pages (can’t find it at the mo’) - how about the formal comms route first???

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