Space award

Probably more atmosphere :rofl::roll_eyes:


as a massive sci-fi geek, I approve of this thread…


Season 1 & 2 maybe… Season 3 was another level with phenomenal writing and character development

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No spoilers please just watching season 3 (literally - just started on the tale of two topas) - it’s certainly become it’s own thing & very well written. :slight_smile:

Off topic…

You’ll love it.

…Setting course back on topic, engage…



I think you mean…
‘Make it so’

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

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Real question…

Are space badges coming…

Shaka, when the walls fell

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I think with the way the organisation has pivoted it’s inevitable.

There are 4 lights!

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The above post’s are some serious level 10 shizzle. But you need to know the true meaning.

The course the prophets choose for us may not always be comfortable, but we must follow it.


So say we all.


Oh for frak sake!

This is the way


& the disturbing thing, these(we) are the people most likly to be interested in in teaching the space syllabus.

Which allows us a big in of introduce more to the wonders of science fiction.

We can also reintroduce aero modelling by the back door just using the enterprise or BSG kits classing it as a “STEM activity supporting Space”

However this might be the final frontier for the Air Cadets.


These activities would require more effort than the current space syllabus in its entirety. It currently just requires cadets to go through a powerpoint and answer some simple questions. Would probably stir up more interest as well. Especially if we look at atmospheric and space craft (BSG:Viper and Raptor, Trek Shuttles, T-47 C etc.) then its a question of how to design the 7th and 8th gen aircraft to fly in space and air. Ties in wonderfully with the whole Astra thing they are trying doing at the moment.
Live Long and Prosper

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We could also compare the albecurrie drive design styles between Federation & the Planetary Union or even the gravity thrust techniques used in the expanse.

A lot more fun than the power points.


Can we add an up to date version of Military Air Systems. With Photon Torpedoes.


Good to hear that progress is being made, really looking forwards to the syllabus getting expanded!

Out of interest, who will be able to deliver the silver course once released? Will it be another one we can run on squadrons or would it be a wing job?

Thanks for all your hard work though, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say it’s really appreciated :relaxed:


Looking at different way of FTL could be fun. Albecurrie bubble designs (Star Trek, Orville) and other Bubble style (Star Wars). Instant Jump Then recharge style (Wormhole style or BSG). Or Gravity Thrust (Basically putting a black hole in front of you). I know of some great books using all of them and can help build out how they can manoeuvre. Then different conventional thrust styles: Ion engines, Chemical rockets, Impulse engines, Light Sail, Fusion, RAMJET, Gravity based acceleration etc.
Fun activity and the sublight stuff might even tie back in to new RAF Jet designs or new Rocket designs.
Of course this would require everyone else to be half the nerds we lot are so milage may vary.

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You are incorrect Picard - there are five badges!


So just watched the Orville episode where they time travel to the past but burnt out the time machine.

Excellent & simple demonstration of Enstienian relativity as they take the slow path home.

I think the scary thing is that we will have cadets that’s nerdy & can probably act as instructors for the space syllabus before they’ve even clapped eyes on the subject.