Space award

Is that official?

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Space Syllabus (


Just because itā€™s approved doesnā€™t mean cadet will get it anytime soon. Iā€™m imagining at least 3 years to roll out below silver level.

Moving to a new thread . . . The idea of Space Badges for uniform hasnā€™t been approved yet has it?


A Star Trek, Starfleet delta coloured Blue, Bronze, Silver, Goldā€¦ :alien::rocket::artificial_satellite::crescent_moon:

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Iā€™d prefer X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing and perhaps the Naboo interceptor. Not sure of which for which badge.

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All that page mentions is certifixates.
Nothing about badges.

What would one have to do to obtain the space badge? Would it be just some simple, learn about space and answer some easy questions? Or something ridiculous, like set foot on the moon.

Thatā€™s the Space Brevet

A muster to the moon would be good fun.

Iā€™d better give my mate Elon Musk a call and see what I can do :wink:

Per AEF ad Luna - through AEF to the moon.

Doesnā€™t have the same ring to it. I tried.

Surely the B-Wing should get involved.

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What like in discovery?

Unfortunately as an organisation weā€™re less Star Trek & the Enterprise & more like the Orville.


News just in - transcript from HQAC of high level meeting on the focus of cadet training for the next 15 years.

Ruled it out due to impractical shape for a PTS badge

Even the Union is more organised than usā€¦


All of you are forgetting the pivotal efforts bourne by the T47 Airspeeder in the defence of Hothā€¦

A worthy contender for the blue badge. An atmospheric aircraft, in space!


Remind me - was that battle against the cylons or the Minbari?

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It was part of the Dominion War, when Qui-Gon Jinn helped Harry Potter defeat the forces of Mordor.