Space award

I’m not totally sure either why we need PTS badges that are also in the syllabus.

However we could make it so that Cadets can (self) study material to get a PTS badge. I think the plan for Space was for it to be an external award?

On that basis I would:

  • slim down and combine first class radio & add more cyber, those who want to do more can do the Basic Radio Communicator badge after all

  • use the space freed up to have an introduction to Space FCC module, those who want to do more can do the Blue space badge

  • those who want to can do the Rocketry module for senior or master and if they want to go further do Silver space

Not sure where Bronze would fit into the above.

I quite like the Blue space content, however it is completely non military. I feel that it (and cyber) needs at least a defence context or else why are we delivering it?

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I have seen the space badges at regional HQ. I imagine they are waiting for the training review report to be released before launching them along with updated PTS.

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I don’t know how true it is, but I heard a rumor that the plan is to replace the parashooting badge with it… Honestly I quite like the idea of the parashooting badge, just a shame it’s so rare

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Trying to work out if I prefer the idea of shooting while being parachuted out of an aircraft, or if we’re celebrating disability sports.

(Not having a pop, very innocent typo to make, just the mental image of either option was quite amusing to me)


Could be the shooting of parachutist? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Although shooting parachuted targets with a rifle does sound quite fun :slight_smile:


I thought it was shooting paratroopers


Oi! :joy::joy::joy:

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Shooting from a parachute? Definitely a next level WHT needed for that :joy:


I hear it’s going to be the platinum badge😱

Since no one is parachuting from space (or in front of a PowerPoint about space), shall we get back to talking about the actual topic?


Photo or it isnt true.

Where will they go on brasaard?
Or is this the fabled start of badges sewn to beret top…


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Nah, sew them onto trousers like a karate gi.

Are you concerned there isn’t enough space on the brassard?


The regulars wear their space badge in the Brevet Position on their jumpers. If you follow on from the new ATP syllabus, Blue/Bronze Space on left shoulder (as you should only have one badge there now) and Silver/Gold in the Brevet position on the jumper??

The only time it doesn’t work is if you have a Silver or Gold Flying Badge - but these are so rare, there won’t be that many cadets who have to make the decision about whether to wear a Flying or Space badge on their chest - and unless you want to become an astronaut, the decision is easy!

Perhaps an either/or - the rare few who get a parachute badge can decide on whether to display their Space or Parachuting badge? OR parachute badge to right arm!


Parachutes don’t work in space do they?

Nope, they require an atmosphere

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So they wouldn’t work at St Mary’s stadium then


Has anyone got a picture of this new space badge?

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