Space award

The Open University (OU) are continuing to create an OpenLearn space syllabus for the RAF Air Cadets

Ok, when did they start? Has there been some sort of issue that might have stopped them from creating this syllabus?

Wasnt bz space supposed to be out in Sept?

Or was that just the how to glossy?

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Based on FB it goes live 1 Oct

That’s only one day after the previous “September” date not bad for HQ to be honest

There are spys amongst us… all over twitter and FB all of a sudden within last hour Bronze Space info released…

Either that or its ‘Training Tueaday’…

Is that instead of Wet Wedneaday or F Friday?


The first part of the two part bronze space syllabus has been published today. Training material and How To Guide is on the Training Officer’s area on SharePoint now. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the note.

I’ll start with the positives:

At a glance, the new format for the training is excellent, I think it looks great and is very user friendly. Clearly a lot of effort has gone into this.

The things I wonder:

It seems pretty set up for home learning. Although intuitive and interesting, I wonder how this will translate when we return to “classroom learning” - but I’m confident it’ll be fine.

The gripes (c’mon, its acc, there’s got to be a gripe):

As a coal face sqn TrgOff I find out about this first here. On a forum. Comms - sort it out!

On download via sharepoint, but can only find blue space via ultilearn… ultilearn, our online training platform doesn’t have this available? Goodness me!

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Also, please please please can we get other classification sorted into this format. It will improve it no end.

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To be fair, they announced that the Bronze award would go live on 1st October about a month ago. . .

From a group delivery perspective, we need to get the awards added to thte general qualification list so that I can have cadets on a SMS bubble event and then bulk update all of them with having completed the award.

Ok, fair enough… however one announcement a month ago isn’t enough to keep anything on anyone’s radar, unless it’s a major life event.

Especially with everything else atm.

It’s a bronze level course, doesn’t need to be on anyones radar :wink:

But yes, I do like the new articulate courses (however I did manage to break one of the check of knowledge sections on the Blue course yesterday.

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Agree, I think they’re for sure a step in the right direction.

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A team working for HQAC are slowly changing all the classifications (and more) over to a new format with subject guides (like the old ACPs), Instructor guidance and digital learning packages. It’s just taking ages as there are very few of us and we are all volunteers. Air Power has moved over already and hopefully you’ll see more subjects be converted in good time. There is lots going on behind the scenes and the training team at HQAC are determined to provide a better training experience where we can. :slight_smile:


We’ve listened to feedback from Air Power about the courses being difficult to teach in person because of restrictions in timings and navigation. We have removed most of these for bronze space so it should be easier to navigate, move between things and teach it more effectively.

There are some small problems with Ultilearn not accepting the course. It is being worked on as a priority.


Blue space is on there under ‘miscellaneous qualifications’. I’ll arrange for Bronze to be added too.

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So it is, I was hunting and hunting through that list. perhaps we need to split things out a bit more. There is a “Endevour Space Scholarship” (whatever that is) under flying and gliding awards, so why not the Blue and Bronze applications of space technology awards?

Don’t recall seeing any calls for volunteers, although I gather there is also limited licenses?


The licences for Articulate are incredibly expensive and there are only a few. We do need assistance in other ways though, especially when it comes to updating content. Drop me a message on here and I’ll send you my email if you are able to help :slight_smile:

yes I’m aware, and it’s definately a concern that we’re spending so much money on a proprietary system (like ultilearn :joy:). What if the company goes under or stops supporting the software.

Asking 1 person on here isn’t going to make much of a difference, posts on the TG Branch social media and Comms down to region/wing TO’s asking for anyone with experience in X, Y or Z subject. Use Teams to its full potential to develop/collect the content for the new courses, then our few articulate developers will have all the content ready for them.

To be fair, there was… The post was advertised along with the LMS developer if I remember correctly.

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When was this advertised?
Maybe get more volunteers and get it done faster if you can get it advertised on sharepoint?

Just saw post above.
Perhaps readvertise it!

So set a reminder to notify “all” on the day via formal channels not soshial meeja!!