RAFAC Attitude Survey 2020

I have just checked and I have two private email addresses on SMS, so should I expect them to send the survey to one of these?

This is the bit I was getting at and what a brilliant idea, but it would be a bridge too far for HQAC’s twitchy sphincter and it would appear some on here.
The question is do any of these helpers become full on adult staff in the Scouts, if so we are missing a trick of a gently opened door. If as suggested someone to come in and do or run specific things where staff on the squadron don’t have the skills or interest. It would be better on intakes to ask parents / carers if anyone has something to offer and have a list of things, rather than just be staff or CWC. Which never really gets any interest.

Just checked mine - my next of kin & my contact details had all corrupted to either a single character or numeral!! :open_mouth:

Ok. Found the survey. In an old email address which had reappeared on SMS… havent used that email in over a year.
Hmmmmmmmm, what is going on with sms.

Anyway. The survey… :poop:

Loaded questions.
But on the plus side. There are free text boxes. Hope my essay makes it in to the final result.

Nothing as yet. Looks like several people have responded to CAC twitter feed with similar response.

i think it is not simply HQAC stopping this happening.

now i am bias as a simply country bumkin, from a village an ex-gf described as a “real life Sandford” #TheGreaterGood

however, my experience of the Scouts (as a Scout, and later “occasional helper”*) and RAFAC is a very different cultural approach.

The Scouts (be that Beavers right up to Explorers) in my experience is a local community feel, the kids and thus families involved are all from the same neighbourhood, kids/families are all linked to the same school, a product of the number of units, while a Village will have a Scout Troop, the Cadet Forces will be located in the local town.

the RAFAC in contrast tends to be town based, and although there are neighbourhoods, the RAFAC community is more than the catchment for a particular school, typically one unit per town recruiting from 2,3, 4 or more schools.
there isn’t the same neighbourhood/community feel with the RAFAC as I believe there is with Scouts.

while the parents know 90% of the other families attending the Scouts, the same isn’t true for the RAFAC and with this loss of familiarity comes a resistance to help “strangers” which isn’t to true in the Scouts when the families help each other out knowing whose kids they are helping (and dare i say it believe there is a chance they’ll get the same in return).

Disclaimer: others may well have difference experiences in larger Towns, but i know the approached suggested wouldn’t be as simple to adopt in my experience (which if anyone is interested is from 9 Squadrons in 4 Wings across 3 regions) as Squadrons don’t breed the same community approach as a Scout Troop which remember start at age 6…

*a formal role, which did required DBS


Thats probably a good analysis, agreed.

So the question then becomes, how do you foster that impression of community?

I got it - went to my personal e-mail rather than Bader - which is strange! Mine went to Spam too!

Sounds like this is happening a lot.

A little strange that they have got personal email addresses from Bader contact detail (I’m assuming), but not sent it to Bader addresses.

Ho hum.

Some off questions - and having to choose ‘disagree’ for things that should be an N/A or similar

The only reason I can think of this is to reach those who might not hold a bader address or use the generic one and the email gets deleted before they see it.

Should really go to bader addresses and personal in my opinion for maximum reach. Or at least a warning it was happening and check the addresses are up to date, would have taken a short IBN in December.

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There was a SharePoint Announcement on Friday…

I think the suggestion was that it would have been nice to receive a warning so people can confirm their contact details are up-to-date.

Of course this isn’t necessary since we all update our details in SMS anyway . . . /s

We got 72 hours warning by stealth… :man_shrugging:

Reply on VoV on SharePoint says there’ll be a second release of emails soon.

I’ve had nothing through, despite having a valid personal email in place on SMS where it has been for a long time.
Not seeing anything in any spam folders either.

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As this is the first time that personal emails have been used through SMS that I’m aware of I’m sure most won’t have checked it’s still a valid email address as most use the organisations internal email. Some may not have even added one as they wouldn’t have thought anyone would use it.

It’s not like a phone number or address which may be critical in case of illness etc.

I 100% agree it’s a good thing using personal addresses and doing the survey using an external body. As ever with HQAC though, it’s a bit half baked and poorly managed/communicated.

And then fill in a paper form anyway because universe and SMS don’t speak.

Nah. They trialled it with the abortion that was the staff cadet survey.

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well yes . . .

On Monday 20 January, we launched the CFAV attitude survey by sending an email with a unique token* to the all the valid email address we held for personnel. However, we have been made aware that a small number of volunteers did not receive the initial email as their email addresses needed updating.

We would like to give those colleagues who did not receive the initial email another opportunity to participate. We will therefore be sending a second email to those volunteers who ‘update’ their email addresses by between Monday 20 January and midnight on Sunday 26 January .

Affected personnel should receive their tokens by email no later than Tuesday 28 January .

Haven’t received and email yet and my email is correct on SMS. :roll_eyes: