Quick Questions…

Uniform Q…

Brown gloves. Had mine for years.

Does anyone do anything with them? Do then need cleaning? Protecting? Etc?

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Leather cream would be the best option. Perhaps neutral rather than brown so they don’t discolour.

I have a pair somewhere, never worn them (they don’t fit anyway).

My understanding is that Army service records are (were) held there too. But something in my head is now saying Innsworth.

Nah, it’s like your hat, the more creases and dents the better a person you are.

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QQ: I’m leading a different squadron through their parade tomorrow. As I’ve not been issued my No. 1s (after more than 2 years…) I’m having to attend in No. 2s.

I know ACP 1358 says that officers can wear brown gloves with No. 2s, but is this the done thing?

I think it is meant to be, but I’ve only ever worn black gloves with No2 and no one has ever mentioned it.

(See my other post about them not fitting me!)

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It’s meant to cold our way so if it’s the same for you I would definitely do so.

I’ve worn my gloves with twos, particularly in winter with GPJ just for warmth if nothing else & not had any odd looks. Known a few others who’ve done the same.


I don’t know the rules, but it’s categorically offensive that you lot wear brown gloves with black shoes.

Your leathers should match.

And who decided your socks should match your shoes? It’s like the person who came up with your dress regs had never worn smart clothes before!

By the time they got to the tie, they were just being lazy.

Said with love.


Petition to allow proper posh boy (multi coloured) socks for officers.


At least we can tie a proper knot

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And it’s not knitted!


Having worn both RAF and Army No. 2s, that army tie can absolutely do one.

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We had Jock Stirrup attend my Squadron when he was CAS and he wore No1 with red socks.


Yes please! We’ve got an ACP for uniform now, so surely it’s a simple switch to improve our satorial status significantly

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I hope you catch your kids sickness bug for that statement

Its missing a bit

I need to shrink mine a bit

Poppy location, left or right. ACP says right but pretty much everyone else wears it left.

All RAF at Albert hall tonight wore it left side.


Right, follow regs and not what you saw in the TV…not sure why it was on the left