Quick Questions…

Is MS Teams really just the Millennial adult’s version of MSN Messenger?


It’s not a patch on messenger. I can’t set my teams name/status to some awful Emo song lyric to make passive aggressive attacks on People.


I can’t link it to Winamp so everybody can see what I’m currently listening too.


No it is a seventh circle of Hell created by techies, as revenge on all those who called them geeks or nerds at school.


It’s physically possible to set such a status message, but it may end up with you having a visit from your company’s mental health first aider.

I was the MHFA! We don’t have them in my current job.

Where should I be looking for the correct colour and style for banner carriers?

Neither ACP 1358 not AP 818 seem to specify?

Id just spend all day nudging people to irritate them

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Brown or white leather

The white pvc ones are crap


This was my understanding. Is it written anywhere though, or just convention?

So, uni grad on Tuesday.

Planning on wearing my medals because, it’s all about me. I’ll be wearing a civvie suit as I don’t fancy walking around Stoke in the blue one I have.

So full size or miniatures? Which is more appropriate?

Normally speaking it’s full size with lounge suits, and miniatures with dinner suits / black / white tie.

The question in my mind is: do the academic robes elevate your lounge suit to black tie level? I suspect they do.

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Just convention


Well, “academic dress” is ones with the academic hat. So full size normally.

This is the advice from the Uni
“As a Graduand, you should arrive in smart dress. As this is a formal celebration, we ask that guests dress accordingly in smart attire. Casual clothing such as jeans, trainers and t-shirts are not suitable for this event.”

So to me that says lounge suit rather than black tie.


Previous regulars/reservists I’ve seen graduate from uni courses have when wearing medals at graduation always worn full size.


‘Formal’ usually means at least black tie rather than lounge suits, but I’d go with what @Joe has actually witnessed over my speculation.

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Answers that one then.

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Unless the graduation is part of a dinner, it’s smart suit normally black, blue or grey with tie.

You can wear full medals but they will probably be covered up by the robe.

It’s at 0930… So no dinner I don’t think :joy:

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I’d say no, just as people in all their finer at the state opening of parliament are wearing full sized.

Black and white tie are basically uniforms. If you’re not wearing that, it’s full size medals.

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