Quick Questions…

How do I add supernumerary staff to an activity? Do I have to invite their “parent” unit?

That’s how I action things for sqn local shooting events.

No, you can search for staff individually. Just use the search box and remove the default unit you’re on and search for their name. Then they’ll be invited but their unit won’t get the invite.


Same trick to add staff cadets as staff rather than cadets, by removing one of the search filters! A trick that many people seem to miss.


New staff cadet.

Does this mean that the age for commissioning is now 18?

• Lowering of eligibility age from 20 to 18 to be a CFAV supporting the ATC, VGS and AGS and aligning with CCF

I’m going to go with yes, albeit I’ve not seen any more information since the IBN came out. Hopefully we’ll get some updated policy as it apparently comes into force in 2 weeks time!

Anyone know what the ‘Agreements’ section in Cadet Portal is about? I’m guessing its to do with parental agreements for aircraft flying, accommodation, photography and media etc, but it just appears blank when I go on it.

Is this upcoming for when cadets will be able to read and agree to the cadet code of conduct via cadet portal?


It’s related to the code of conduct agreement for cadets triggered by the new staff cadet changes.

hi all with the stop of car parking and marshalling is there any chance of it returning anytime soon?

Very unlikely, sadly.