Quick Questions…

FYI this was actually just updated an hour ago, the only change is below:

Bear in mind you need to “contribute” 6 miles return before getting HTD

Definitely if the school will pay your mileage claim it that way - ours is indeed 45p/mile. 25p/mile is an insult, especially if you have to pay the first 6 miles yourself.


do you get the air rifle blue badge (whatever its called) after completing IWT and WHTs?

Plus CLF 1, I believe.

Yep “Blue Shot” is awarded after CLF 1 on the Air Rifle is passed


QQ (and also possibly a dumb Q…)

It’s been almost a decade since I’ve taken a flight that required a connection. I’ve now booked my flights to Lima, flying via Amsterdam, with KLM all the way through.

IIRC, I don’t need to go through passport control or collect and re-check my baggage in Amsterdam, do I?

Generally not no
Should just need to go through the transit line on arrival in Amsterdam.

I think you only have to clear customs etc if the connecting flight is a different airline.

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I’d hoped that was the case, thank you.

Keep in mind that security at AMS is at the gate,
so you will still need to re-clear security control with your carry on before you board even though you’re already airside

That’s helpful context too - I’ve never been through Amsterdam before so wouldn’t have expected that.

The only other place I’ve seen that is stateside.

Some airports will send connectors through security again. Happened in Frankfurt coming back from Geneva, using Lufthansa for both flights. Someone had stocked up on duty free swiss army knives, only to get to Frankfurt and have to get through security all over again…

So just a quick question as I don’t know where we are these days.

Are you still permitted to use cadets as part of community events to Marshall car parking? The big ad hoc field sort of thing.

Back in the day this use to be a niche thing as cadets had the knowledge of air craft Marshall from classification training and experience in AEF/VGS.

However in the world of zero risk I’m just wondering as we approach the summer season whether we can still do this/offer this support.

I’m pretty sure that has it’s own SMS application type, and is listed in ACTO 10. On my phone though so can’t check to say for sure.

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Standard with El AL.

It is indeed

For @Chief_Tech


Ta, I knew it was in there somewhere!

Thank you :slight_smile:

Found in a drawer that I probably haven’t looked in for close to 20 years.

Do they still make these?

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QQ: has anyone here ever registered to vote from overseas?

My flight is in less than a fortnight, so I won’t be around for the 4th July election. However, I always ensure that I vote in every election that I’m eligible to vote in.

I’m curious to hear anyone’s experiences of having voted from overseas, if anyone has the experience to share? I’m just not sure what to expect.