Quick Questions…

There is no specific permission i can see that i can allocate regarding user accounts. The only thing is maybe unit admin create/amend/delete.

Not sure considering Adopted seems to be able to see staff profiles - more likely to see cadets than staff, surely?

My understanding was that anything relating to cadets or staff applies to profiles.

Unit Admin View would be most likely, but again I don’t see a difference between the staff and cadet portal portions of the screen.

Wouldn’t make sense to me for not having all role accounts able to see it, or if a personal/generic log in why you wouldn’t allow it.

I set everyone to at least “view” for everything, create or edit for most things admin, event, or cadet, and keep staff create/edit and anything “delete” to Adj.

i’m on the OC account but can’t see anything on the page related to cadets accounts, only staff. i can create SMS user accounts but yeah nothing on the tab about cadets.

So you dont see this? (Obviously I don’t have permission to work with Staff SMS accounts)

no mate, i only see this, and i’m logged in as the OC.

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Something’s odd with that, because you don’t have the “roles” option available which I would expect to see…

what are these for?
Screenshot 2024-04-26 10.45.42 AM

Used to be worn over the right breast pocket in CS95.

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why aren’t they worn anymore?

Not worn since introduction of MTP, wrong colour and removed from ACP1358

What is the current daily messing rate?

Away from personal laptop, poor signal and can’t access bader on work computer…

Link to the document is here, but I can’t open it on my phone. Hopefully someone else can and let you know :rofl:

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Does anyone know if it’s still true that CCF(RAF) can’t claim Home to Duty?

If so I might challenge it (not for myself, but for one CFAV who is not a school employee.)

I didn’t know this was a thing?

You can be a CI who just helps out within the CCF (RAF) from 18 now. I think a good example are students who have left school, but want to stay involved.

If they can’t claim HTD that would indeed be pretty silly.

An increasing number of CFAVs (CIs and uniformed) in CCF are not school employees. Examples include local ATC CFAVs who double hat; retired teachers who stay on just for CCF; ex pupils who help out when available; partners of school employees. In fact, in the local CCFs I know well, I can’t think of a single one where all the CFAVs are school employees, let alone all teachers. That might have been true 30 years ago, but I’m not even sure it was then (I joined in 2003).
Our non-school CFAV is a retired person who was an ATC CFAV until a couple of years ago and then transferred. He lives a few miles away but does have to travel to CCF.
The old system was based on the assumption you didn’t need HTD because you would already be on site, and that’s just not true for lots of volunteers now.


I claim HTD as an external CCF(RAF) CFAV, it is a thing.

E2A - my contingent is almost exclusively staffed by external CFAV. I find that we have more sticking power, teachers come and go as their careers progress.

I think if you are external to a school you should also be registered as a volunteer on the schools HR system.

It’s probably worth looking at the schools HR policy as the reimbursement claims should go to them (which as a plus maybe at 45p a mile)

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you can also be a uniformed officer/SNCO from 18