Quick Questions…

The fact that you used those abbreviations and I know what you mean suggests we are of a similar generation :grinning:

I get what you mean though, they also look like they’ve given good service.

I’ve seen the Iturri boots bulled up nicely too (by an RSM). But I think Iturri has also been dropped from the list in favour of a more suede / plastic type?

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Yeah, they do look like Altbergs but one of the lighter weight boots.

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The kammo boots we use look like they would turn purple just seeing some polish! Pretty sure there mostly plastic though…

Usually I suggest using neutral if a cadet can’t get ‘MOD brown’ polish or the polish recommended by the boot maker.

It won’t hide scuffs to the same extent but will give some protection and waterproofing.

Kiwi Light Tan was another option (not the dark) but it’s been impossible to find for a few years now.

Is there an age limit/requirement other thatn the reccomendation of first class to do presentationtational skills and then fully complete MOI?

and characters to fulfil post requirements.

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how often are Blue Road marching courses run I’ve been keen to get on one and is there any age limit for it (haven’t heard of an age limit and cadet portal isn’t useful!)

No age limit, and it depends.

It’s currently frustratingly difficult both to organise and achieve, so you might get a couple of opportunities a year, depending where you are.

ah ok, I have heard how hard it is to get…
I’m hoping there will be one but If the sqn calendar is right there will be one in the next month or so!

Accidently :wink: got some MTP barrack shirts. How far off the shoulder does the TRF go?

According to ACP1358 top of the badge 7.5cm from the seam.

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QQ: is it possible to get a list of cadets who have not logged into cadet portal yet? i know theres the individual cadet record i could look at to see when they last logged in, but i’d rather not go through all 60+ names!

Is there not a report for last login date? Been a while since I help an exec account and could see these things, but I thought that was an option, and if they hadn’t logged in it shows 1980 as the date?

Unit Admin > User Accounts

That shows all accounts and when they last logged in.

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not seeing anything under the reports tab i’m afraid.

i’m after the cadets logins, not the staff logins. thanks

Yes. Scroll down.

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I think it’s OC Sqns only who can see the user accounts bit so if you can’t see it ask your OC to give you the list.

Nope, tried it last night with a CI and they could see that area.

If it’s on SMS, then it will surely depend on if the OC has allocated, or not, that specific permission? So it may vary.