Quick Questions…

If by Army you mean regular or reservists then they usually have 2 pairs of boots, one that they shine (it was Altbergs, not sure what the regulars now get) and Aku or similar for the field. For No2 / FAD officers wear shoes and ORs ‘ammo’ boots which are bees waxed and bulled.

That’s going off what my local regiment does, regimental traditions could be a whole thread of its own.

Should you polish boots? Unless they are the suede type then regular polishing will keep them waterproof, prevent splitting or cracking and even stop them squeaking in the field. But don’t bull them.

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Boots are part of our combat uniform, and the modern boots supplied for that purpose generally don’t mirror shine (if they have leather at all). The boots the Army and RAF Regt wear with ceremonial uniforms are called ‘ammo’ boots and are not particularly practical with a combat uniform.

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As a cadet I had two sets of boots one set for the field & exercises, the other set bulled for non field activities (classroom etc)

If you wish to bull your boots then go for it - it won’t harm & it shows to others diligence. But don’t stress or feel obliged over it.

And the rest…

I have my desert hi liability, cold weather boot, desert patrol, safety boots and UK temperate… Running out of space…

Simple fact we don’t “parade” in our MTP. Boots are functional footwear and should not have a mirror shine or be bulled.


Exactly this. If your ‘combat’ boots can be mirror shined, you’ve bought the wrong boots.

The older I get, the more acutely I feel the many, many hours I’ve lost to polishing shoes that I wore daily.

Life really is too short, and scuffing and gouging inevitable.


100% We should have patent leather shoes like the Aussies. If it’s good enough for No. 5s, why not No. 1s and 2s?


They were issued for RAF 100 I think!

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Agreed. But until we get those, so long as the shoes are clean I really couldn’t care less how shiny or not a cadet’s shoes are. They have much more important things to be doing than drawing pretty little circles with polish.

When Im asked to inspect uniforms, I hold cadets to the standards set by me and the cadet NCO accompanying me. If the shoes are clean but not shiny I’ll give some pointers: but I’m more concerned with ill-fitting or damaged items of uniform.

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One from me:

What does RUAS stand for? It is in an email address from someone whose emailed me, and I am curious.

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Google is your friend!

I thought that, but i can’t see how there would be RAF pers posted there

I would sugest one of the University Air Squadrons . . . but there isn’t one at a R university.

If you have their name, look them up on LinkedIn?

A University Air Squadron was my first thought too.

I don’t have the individual’s name, but there is a group on LinkedIn called ‘RAF Leeming Ready Use Armaments Section’. Google also offers ‘Rotary Uncrewed Aerial System’ as another possibility.


It seems I may need to eat some of my words. It appears some modern combat boots can indeed be bulled.

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Those look quite old, I thought they were Altbergs but not enough plastic on them for the Defender.

When I say ‘modern’ I mean anything in the hiking boot style: rather than the old school DMS / BCH types.