Quick Questions…

Vinted is addictive, be warned!

no warning required here - Mrs Steve is obsessed!

However this week some postage bags are arriving in the hope that we (she) will be selling instead of buying all the time!


Does anyone have an email address for the ACLO at Cranwell?

Last year, it was Warrant Officer Jerry Moss - he is within RAFAC.

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Next quick Q.

Looking to purchase some of the silk material used on the FRONT of the No5 female jacket… does anyone know where it can be purchased?

Just need enough to modify one jacket.

this has been bugging me for a while to know…
if you have blue radio and blue cyber do you wear 2 blue badges? or just merge them into one as they are identical

I didn’t think ‘blue cyber’ was a thing on it’s own?


My understanding too; blue is combined, with them splitting from bronze upwards.

That is correct. Also Bronze, Silver and Gold
Cyber can be worn alongside Blue Radio. No need to remove it because it contains a cyber element!

ah ok wasn’t sure if it was just worn as one badge as I did know that when either get to bronze etc you still wear the blue in the cyber or radio depending on the stages but cheers quick question awsered

So the slight quirk is that when you get Bronze Radio you remove the Blue badge and wear the Bronze.

But when you get Bronze Cyber you keep the Blue ‘radio’ one until you also earn a higher radio badge. So as soon as you have Bronze cyber you can wear 2 badges.

I think I’ve confused myself even trying to type that, but hope it makes sense?

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yes i was just wondering that when you just had blue radio and cyber if you wear two of the same badges but its just the one until you get either higher radio or cyber!

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I have heard QAIC grads can teach cyber on sqn but to what level?

Not something I’ve come across or heard of as a Wing Cyber SME, definitely isn’t something I’d be facilitating though as it isn’t mentioned in ACTO’.

There used to be the belief that if Cadets do Gold Cyber they can teach Bronze. Not sure if that got removed from the ACTO but I (at least) don’t allow them to teach until they attend a Bronze Cyber Instructor couse.

To teach bronze you only need to have done silver, not gold, and have attended a bronze instructor course. Plus MOI if you’re a cadet.

The tricky bit is to deliver the bronze instructor course, you need to have done the gold course or hold a L4 or above in a nationally recognised cyber qual. And then be approved by the Corps Cyber Off.

I wonder how many Bronze train the trainers there are in the org because of those stipulations?

ah ok ill ask our sgnt doing qaic unless the qals were bundled in with quaic this year but ill ask and ill find the answer.

There is the database on SharePoint as a ballpark but I’m sure it’s wildly out of date

They are given instructor numbers on the RAFAC gold course, I got into a world of pain for questioning whether they should be allowed to go off and deliver the Bronze course.

Nowhere in the Acto does it say they can (we’ve never had many in the wing get on it anyway). I’ve found its better to encourage the Bronze Instructors course as a pre-requisite.

What sort of hassle did you get for it? Would be nice to get feedback from higher up