Quick Questions…

I have no issues saying that this was me when I first started residential youth work in 2013.

Turns out teenagers, on the whole, don’t really like the boot camp ethos. I took a lot of learning from those first few weeks.


Morning all,

Quick question from me - how long does it normally take to hear back regarding a DTE Booking? I submitted the paperwork two months ago and have still heard nothing back - with the proposed start date 3 months awat. Should I bother starting to advertise to cadets yet?

In my experience it depends on the booking cell.
Probably worth giving them a nudge to see if it’s been accepted


Is that best done via email or phone? I emailed them asking if it had been accepted on the 25JAN2024 but I was met with radio silence.

Talking to people is so much better than emailing


I miss being able to sit on desks for answers at work

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That’s what i suspected, my next Q, and it may be a stupid one…

How do I get the phone number for the booking cell :rofl:

I much prefer a email/teams over a phone call, but then I don’t like talking to people :slight_smile:

In this case a phone call is prob better, if you don’t might sharing where you’re trying to book I might have it. Feel free to PM if you’d prefer

Phone your WHQ and ask them for the number?

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Just to help anyone else looking for booking cell details,
This doc on SharePoint is your friend - Sign in to your account

Contact details are towards the end

Does anyone here have experience as a charity trustee?

I’m looking at trusteeships, but would like to get a true reflection of people’s experiences before deciding whether to submit any applications.

with a high vis i hope

Is there a way to find an editable TOPL form? The one from JSP is pdf

QQ: Does anyone know where the best place to sell old clothes is, for someone who doesn’t have Facebook?

I’ve tried to use Vinted but it’s rubbish; keeps setting me up as being in the USA and doesn’t allow me to change that setting.

Sounds daft…
But are you on vinted.com not vinted.co.uk?

I’m on the app, but will try the website.

Yeah, that’s about right…

PDFs are editable.

oh… helpful

It’s alright, I managed to get it to work eventually (turns out they don’t like browsers with tracking protection…)

And my first item sold in less than 5 minutes!