Quick Questions…

I am aware of a WO at our local CCF(RAF).

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Q: how do staff cadets (or people approaching 18) get access to our mandatory training?

Is this like a QI trick question?

The obvious answer would be They log into Learn and do it there. But I feel a claxon might go off?

They need to use the course search option, as they have no access the mandatory training catagory.

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QQ: Do probationary CIs count towards supervisory ratios?

No they don’t.

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Aha, thank you. That might be it.

Why not?

They’re DBS checked, not outside the unit, and they’re responsible adults, otherwise they shouldn’t have been appointed…

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On that point wasn’t there some talk of changing rules for cadet to CI and CI to uniform so they don’t have to wait for the end of probation to take part in activities off the Squadron?

Cadet > CI has never had a probation period (now support by the join process)

You’ve got me doubting it now, but because the idea of the probation period is to allow them to train without overburdening them. If they’re part of the ratio for looking after cadets, they’re essential to the delivery of the activity and so not being trained.

By the book yes

But it still happens (possibly due to confusion on the part of admin staff?)

I can’t actually find any reference for that in any policy I’ve looked at, so unless someone can correct me it’s not a thing.

I understand that point you make though. It’s effective at not burdening them. Though if they want to turn up, I suppose they’d be annoyed if they were effectively no use.

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This sounds like another clash of policy and common sense. A staff cadet becoming a CFAV had already done all the mandatory training and so quite rightly has no need for a probationary period. Other than attending CIC, what does an experienced CI (possibly fulfilling one or more executive roles on the squadron or even wing staff) need unburdening from when they go into uniform?

Probationary period also allows for attitude of the individual to be assessed.

Not all staff cadets are able to transition successfully to CFAV even high achieving CWOs

But if you using them in your ratios or letting them run activities on their own as a Cadet why would you then put limitations on them having switched to a staff role.


A big black screen with a flashing “Bader Learn” appears behind JB…

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It can also be too restrictive.

I assume you make them probationary so they learn about the organisation before you send them off to a station with cadets for flying.

If they served in the military for years, why is that limitation not adjusted?

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It is. You can apply for exemptions to it if they have already got a level of experience such as you describe. But don’t forget, them serving in the military for years might make them know how to get on to a station, it does not necessarily make them good at managing young people.