Quick Questions…

It’s been a long day at work, made even longer by finding even more of the OC’s badmin.

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Don’t you have a Bader point of contact in Wing? Ours is spot on with ‘features’ like this

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When I posted that, we did not have POC, however, our new one is a superstar!

Where is the pay rates stored on Sharepoint? Can never find anything when you want it

Allowance Rates (Updated 4 mins ago)

Can always depend on ACC

Out of interest, why is there nearly a £10 difference in what female officers are given for uniform upkeep, vs male officers?

Less choice of suitable suppliers for approved items? Even as far back when I was an instructor at Cranditz, socks were issued, but of course tights / stockings were private purchase.

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Tights and hair accessories.

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But now with long hair approved for males (& beards of course), thern maybe equality needs to be suggested? :wink:

Does this mean there aren’t any WOs in the CCF(RAF)?

you can be a warrant officer in the ccf, but there isn’t any yet. sncos are a new thing to the ccf world

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Prior to the introduction of the CFC a few years ago, were the officers always commissioned into the RAFVR(T), going right back to the ADCC days: or did something precede it?

So there isn’t a single ex-RAF WO SSI?


I believe that they were always commissioned into the RAFVR

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Thanks. Always into the Training Branch, or did that come later?

RAF sections of the OTC/JTC were never part of the ADCC hence why they wear/still wear the RAF cap badge as it was seen as similar to a regimental affiliation in the 1920s.

Technical the CCF have always been RAF air Cadets & it’s the ATC who have not.

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So does the RAFVR Training Branch pre-date the ADCC / ATC then, or did OTC / JTC officers have a different type of commission?

Don’t know any but I bet there were. Even when the CCF ‘didn’t have adult SNCOs’ I know of at least one ex-regular TEST Sgt who became an SSI. The difference now is we can appoint new ones (or pinch them from the local ATC in our case :slight_smile: )

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