Quick Questions…

The tube can be a bit of a PIA now as I don’t think you can buy the simple zone 1-4 day travel card. Instead you need to use your debit/credit card. Might make it a little tricky? Happy to be corrected on that though. I use oyster so not 100% sure!

(Looks like Mike posted at the same time, 1-6 are available!)

We haven’t had a London visit for ages, but we made the transport aspects a mini-nav exercise before the visit.

Obviously, your time resources will dictate what you can use, more to see on a bus (but maybe no chance of all getting on a bus in one go at peak times), but quicker by tube.

TfL school groups ticket is only for London Borough schools unfortunately, There are discounts for group travel (more than 10):

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QQ: I’m looking to increase my reading of PESTLE topics. To do so, I’ve begun buying copies of The Spectator and The Week, which are traditionally viewed as right-leaning and relatively neutral respectively.

Is anyone aware of equivalent publications that are left-leaning? I’d like to ensure that I’m digesting as-balanced-as-possible insights on current affairs.

Well, the Grauniad is seen as left-leaning.

Wiki has a reasonable list.

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I do read the Guardian regularly, but what I’m really looking for is something more akin to a weekly digest rather than a daily publication.

I’ll check out your link though, thank you.

EDIT: Conveniently, it has the publication who’s name I couldn’t remember: The New Statesman!

Ever considered “The Week”? We used to get that when we were overseas (and without proper internet connection… Because there wasnt really an internet back then!). It contained a solid, broad and balanced summary across a number of different news sources.

We’ve not really had it since… But subscribe to “The Week Junior” for the kids - which has been pretty good at keeping them abreast of international events without being too heavy.

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The Guardian may be left leaning, but it still has about as much journalistic integrity as the Daily Heil

The Economist?


Ground news can be good for pointing out your blind spots (not that having a blind spot for Fox News is a bad thing, I wish more people did…).

Failing that, the week is very good for a quick overview and it covers loads of stuff you might not catch from normal papers


I would second the Economist (which is mostly not about economics, but is a good primer on a lot of things most other publications skip over).

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One of the very, very rich people I used to fly around regularly had a huge beef against the Economist - apparently, they had printed a article (about him) that he didn’t agree with. Consequently, we had to hide any copies of the Economist away - or else he would shred the magazine(s) & scatter the pieces throughout the cabin! :rofl:

Was it the truth though, or just not their truth

Recently stepped down from my role, so am now trying to sign into SMS using my personal username/password and the generic account details. Not having done that for years I can’t remember my personal password and can’t find any obvious way to reset it - anyone have any ideas?

Your OC will need to reset it I think

That’s correct. In SMS >> Unit Admin >> User Accounts your OC can change your password

Thanks both.

Consider reading The Byline Times - monthly available from WHS, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose (among others).

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Well, it was a well-written article - I wasn’t brave enough to ask the person in question! :wink:

Is SMS playing up? I am getting the circle of doom after getting a run time error about 10 minutes ago.

Had a couple of drop-outs, but otherwise working as well as it can be right now.