Quick Questions…

I have a Jura, I like it. It’s a dog walking coat for me more than anything else as I run too hot when actually out hill walking to wear it.

I’ve also got a Keela smock and had a Snugpak one, the Jura is my favourite as the outer is more robust and the hood is excellent.

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Anyone else seeing this?

I am using Edge if that makes a difference?

Seems fine for me, on chrome at least.

Also fine for me on Chrome and Safari.

Just tested on Edge too and working ok for me

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Working for me on Firefox.

ok well seems to be just me then - i click the x and it goes away and i am fine

Anyone know what this aircraft does? Pretty interesting flight path!

It’s a chartered private jet. Wouldn’t know how to go about working out who’s hired it though.

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QQ: What works well as a replacement for hot glue?

I’ve been given an old indoor bike for free. Whilst the resistance still works fine, the display unit has been treated quite roughly and some of the wires have come out of their sockets.

It’s very clear that they were hot glued into place previously and I reckon I can probably get the display unit to work by reconnecting the wires/sockets, but I don’t own a glue gun and don’t want to buy one just for this task. Unfortunately, I also don’t know anyone who owns one.

This seems like a great opportunity (excuse) to buy one to have on hand! They’re pretty cheap from the likes of amazon, and are genuinely useful bits of kit to have on hand!

I think mine was under £20 for the hot glue gun and a bunch of glue sticks to go in it!

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Very strange indeed - & round & round over Exeter area with changing altitude. Can only think that it might have been an air test of some kind, unless maybe it was a demonstration flight for someone to buy into the aircraft in some way?

Maybe the previous owner crashed and fell off?

I doubt it was because they felt two tired though.

And now you’re saddled with a broken bike. Pity.

QQ: Does anyone know a service that replaces the internals of an old mobile phones with modern hardware?

Modern phones appear to be all a much of a muchness now and I’d like something with character.

It likely wouldn’t work as all the RF antennae are built into the case on modern phones. So even if you could get the battery and main board to fit chances are it would struggle to connect to the cellular & wifi nets.

Fun idea though!

I think there’s a way to make it work, I’m just not there with the clear picture of how to do so right now.

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How have people moved cadets across London for visits?

Using the tube, buses, etc?

Looking at potential for visits later in the year, and how we can do all all the various sights.

Public transport: civvies only (no military kit, unit clothing etc if you go by London Wing SOPs).

Minibuses are a challenge to park.

Coach could work if you can get the cost signed off.