Quick Questions…

He taught me banner drill!

Is he still around / does corps cere wo still exist as a role? It was another of those HQAC roles that wasn’t very visible…


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Nope. Retired.


Can’t say I’m surprised at either, but particularly the second point.

Could someone please tell me how the promotions work. Firstly there was an opening of 2 places for a sergeant and 2 places for corporal. 2 corporals out of 3 got promoted. All 3 applied and then a cadet who has been at sqn many years compared to the others. Call him cadet A. and 4 others cadets applied. Only 2 of the 4 got through to corporal. 3 months later, the other corporal received sergeant and cadet A to corporal despite there being no opening. This is all confusing.

Maybe some of the applicants were deferred, as in close but had some extra development to do before they could be promoted? Getting on some more off Squadron activities or finishing a classification are common reasons.

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What Westlandscout said. It could also be that your staff decided they could justify an extra couple of spaces because they had suitable candidates.

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This is probably unsubstantiated gossip but rumour going round is that WWOs are to be phased out via non-replacement.

Rationale is due to change of the role & deminishiing suitable candidates to assume the position.

Anyone heard similar grumbling / gossip in their areas?

I hope that’s not true. WWOs are often great assets. I’m sure there’s some people out there just keeping the role warm and doing nothing with it, but that’s not my experience.

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Likewise but The scuttlebutt is that the people suitable for the role are no longer stepping forward coupled with the fact that the role has changed as what’s was traditionally expected is no longer practical/relevant so it’s struggling to find a proper defined purpose in the new structures.

I’d heard they were phasing out promotion to WO for everyone except ex -regular / -reserve WOs, WWOs, etc. If they phased out WWOs as well, would this become a niche rank for RWOs and WORAFAC?

It would make sense insofar as the rumour I heard was WO would become role based (NCOs holding a primary SME post or OiCs). So I guess the people who’d be WOs wouldn’t then perhaps have the experience as Squadron or Sector based WOs to draw on.

But that’s just me filling in the gaps.

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Probably one to ask @AlexCorbin

Get more out of our WWO than we ever from the RWO!!

WWOs also naturally fall into a good position to be organizing wing parades and other drill/dicip stuff. They are one of the better WSO positions IMO. Given how many silly WSO positions some wings have, WWO is not one of them.


News to me!

The only thing i know about as mentioned above, is its not guaranteed at the 4 year mark and matrix completion, need a role that warrants it.


i’ve also heard this (many moons ago) but not heard it repeated since or seen any movement on it.
(however I cannot remember the last time i saw WRO which had a FS>WO promotion…

totally agree.

while there is more to being a WO (even SNCO) than Drill the WWO is the natural “go to” for a Wing Parade or similar event. there is no requirement for a WWO to be a DI, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the suitable skills to manage the organisation of a parade and lean on their team of DIs as required

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Pun intended?

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I don’t believe there is any truth in this. Plenty of FS have been promoted to WO in our Region recently. It’s at the RC’s discretion (IAW ACP 20). ‘…Promotion to WO will only be given for a vacant role that the RC deems WO rank is essential.’ So it is still happening.

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