Quick Questions…

Get more out of our WWO than we ever from the RWO!!

WWOs also naturally fall into a good position to be organizing wing parades and other drill/dicip stuff. They are one of the better WSO positions IMO. Given how many silly WSO positions some wings have, WWO is not one of them.


News to me!

The only thing i know about as mentioned above, is its not guaranteed at the 4 year mark and matrix completion, need a role that warrants it.


i’ve also heard this (many moons ago) but not heard it repeated since or seen any movement on it.
(however I cannot remember the last time i saw WRO which had a FS>WO promotion…

totally agree.

while there is more to being a WO (even SNCO) than Drill the WWO is the natural “go to” for a Wing Parade or similar event. there is no requirement for a WWO to be a DI, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the suitable skills to manage the organisation of a parade and lean on their team of DIs as required

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Pun intended?

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I don’t believe there is any truth in this. Plenty of FS have been promoted to WO in our Region recently. It’s at the RC’s discretion (IAW ACP 20). ‘…Promotion to WO will only be given for a vacant role that the RC deems WO rank is essential.’ So it is still happening.

16 posts were split to a new topic: Activity First Aid and SJA Accreditation

Just a quick question, if I have already gone flying, do I need blue ATP to get the blue wings? Also what happens in the ATP blue training?


Essentially just basic control surfaces and how to use them,

Question on the wearing of a single medal. Do I just wear it above the left breast pocket using the pin provided? I haven’t bothered having a single medal mounted, as I didn’t think it was the usual practice.

Get the little loops added to the uniform (or whatever jacket you want to use). Saves causing damage, if nothing else.

You can keep as-is in its swing mounted form. No need to court mount.

Personal view is that full size always looks better court mounted (even if a single medal), whereas a single miniature looks better swing mounted.

That’s normally because a single full size medal that is swing mounted then hits the breast pocket button on service dress.



Generally the ribbon is too short for that so you still need to get it mounted.


Yes, just wear it above the center of the pocket and open the button on the pocket to stop the medal banging against it. Was given that tip by Dick Allen a former RC.


This is what I came here to say. I that gave tip to someone at the Lord Mayor’s Show a few years ago and it went down a treat.

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Thanks team.

I was kinda hoping not to need my RAF No1s by now. But things have slowed down on the ‘transfer’ front at the SCC end. (Much to my OC’s annoyance as well.(

Quick Question:

Has Level 3 Safeguarding Training always been a requirement for Squadron OC’s or is this something new?

Courses seem to be 2 days, F2F and being run at Cranwell which seems impractical.

It’s been in ACP 4 for quite some time that Sqn OCs should have the L3. I was under the impression the L3 was delivered as part of the Sqn Commanders Course? If not, then it probably should be.

Yes that would definitely be sensible for it to be on the Squadron Commanders Course. I completed it 11 years ago and dont believe we had the same structure to our Safeguarding Training back then.

There are a few courses on SMS over the next few months but its an 800 mile round trip for me to get to Cranwell :thinking:

Think ill await further updates from our WHQ on this one!

It does seem a bit silly that this is a national in-person course. I’d ask why can’t it be done virtually? Especially given all the cost-cutting going on. Paying for CRAV travel and accommodation surely isn’t a cost-effective way of delivering this course.

This was the old table which I managed to scrape from Sharepoint:

So the requirement for a separate extra safeguarding course for sqn commanders appears to be long-standing. That table was added in 2017 according to the change list.