Quick Questions…

Not now - the King’s Coronation Medal…


And how many are going to still be cadets by the time they are issued…?


this is why I said unlikely rather than use impossible

It is unlikely as I know no one from my Wing on the list who went on Op Golden Orb so for us, it is quite unlikely

Where does a new Ensign come from?

Parent station stores.

I believe the RAF wear it on the left shoulder/right hip, as to have it the other way around would interfere with the sword?

(Image from google for reference)

because when carrying a standard it is critical to have a sword available to use with the spare hand!

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So you can fend off anyone trying to capture the standard…. So would it swap for left handers?

I always thought that is why a Standard has “escorts”?

Yep Coz the RAF has a real history of rallying round the colours for a last stand :rofl:

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They would have to break down the room door in the hotel first! :wink:

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I’d be up for duel wielding a sword and spear…

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Did you not see the part in Sharpe’s adventures that featured the RAF defending it’s colours??!

We’ll fight to the last deckchair on the lawn!

Is anyone using the Outlook app? Tonight it’s telling me that my OC account has been blocked due to suspicious activity, as has my training officer’s.

Any ideas?

Are you on a fixed (business) IP address or a domestic type connection?

We get it from time to time on the Squadron as our broadband has a dynamic IP address. Some of them seem to be on a black list.

Power cycling the router forces an IP address update and usually fixes it.

And supposing you were an IT douche and didn’t understand what power cycling the router meant (other than turning on and off again?)

It doesn’t do it for my personal or the main sqn account, just the OC account in Outlook desktop app.

Something might have happened, I’ve had this issue on two different Bader accounts tonight, just on home broadband.

Looks like it might be the educational licence we’ve moved to. It allows this:

Office 365

Broadly, the licence we will provide a volunteer will grant them access to the following

  • Microsoft 365 for the web (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
  • Microsoft Outlook for the web
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft Teams web/desktop app
  • Microsoft 365 for Mobile (All native mobile applications)
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Microsoft Planner
  • Microsoft To-Do
  • Microsoft Power Platform
  • Microsoft Power Automate
  • The ability to use any Bader device

But then that wouldn’t explain why my 100 account and the squadron generic account are unaffected :face_with_monocle: