Quick Questions…

Welcome to the world of IT :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can anyone else access the Cadet Direct website?

I get a warning if I try

Working okay for me

Nope. I also get a warning.

Looks ok to me

Its doing you a favour.

50% off javelins. Neat.

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its under maintenance got a warning yesterday there redoing parts of the website for some reason only came up on the cooking section but mostly appears working, just not on my phone? may just be the mobile version

Had the same warning on yhe laptop as the mobile.

Why are CIs and Chaplin’s scaled Sweatshirts and the Safeguarding and Well-being and Resilience Team scaled for hoodies. Are hoodies meant to be down with the Kids?

Conversely, Immersive Tech are not scaled for neither hoodie or sweatshirt. Do they only come out in the warmer months and do not need a top layer?

The safeguarding team get Gillet’s according to that document! And a hat…

Not sure why there are so many different variations of the corporate scaling list.

It would be nice as a CI to get more than just a polo shirt and a pull-over jumper.

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Of the uniform I will be wearing this eve, literally only the beret and badge are issued kit.

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Just seen this on LinkedIn. Do we have anything similar?

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That’s an awesome scheme!

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Not that I’m aware of.

While the “completion certificate” sounds worse than some of the things we offer, the support towards further quals sounds great.

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That’s different from this walt’s scheme isn’t it…

Anyone else having problems uploading training plans to Units?
Page just greys out when you click ‘Add Training Programme’ box.