Queens Jubilee Medal - are there still people waiting?

can anyone pots the list please? I no longer have access to BADER.

I think there’s a little too much personal info on there to post.

If you have a name you can PM me and I’ll let you know if it’s on there?


Kudos to the CCF for selecting LCpls rather than all the older FS / CWOs


Another exitier from this shambles?

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As I understand it he’s 6FTS who for some reason no longer have access to Bader


That makes no sense. Shouldnt everyone have access…

Oh wait… “sense”.


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I haven’t left per sè. RAFAC pulled the BADER access for 6FTS when we divorced on the 1st April.

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The list is only those on golden orb, not a general release.

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I don’t know how they’re making such a meal out of this. If you qualified for any previous jubilee medal and were still in on Coronation day it should obvious, then there’s just a few to add who hit the five year point after the platinum jubilee.

You must be new to the organisation.

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I think the question related to cadets, not staff.

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Why don’t you become Service Instructors with a 2FTS Unit? That might get you SMS access back, possibly?

I don’t need BADER access that much!! :laughing:

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I see that on VoV, the Gp Capt has said that HQ have said by the end of next week they will have issued a confirmed T2 list for tje QPJM.

What are the bettings loads of people have been missed off?


i am closer to betting that deadline is missed…



They were blaming a shortage of staff in the medal office almost twelve months ago, or least Wing HQ was :rofl:

Updated timescale out on VOV for tranche 2 this afternoon. Those still waiting will hopefully hear soon if it’s accurate.

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Anyone heard anything?

Yes, I received confirmation this afternoon, so its started but they were keen to point out that RHQ don’t know when the medals will actually arrive.

I’m glad to hear that you have heard something.

I can’t say I’m shocked that my region hasn’t let people know.