Queens Jubilee Medal - are there still people waiting?

Ive heard numerous dates from June to November. So ive just adopted it will arrive when it arrives

I missed the eligibility for QPJM, but should be eligible for KCM. However I’ve just come to accept that I’m not going to see that either.

I doubt it. Regulars and reserves got ours in 2022/23.

He was talking about the coronation medal there not the jubilee

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Good point. In that case @themajor was almost certainly right.


It happens more often than you’d think :rofl:

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So VRT has now moved under VR and 6FTS remit however, we’ve been told that we’ll no longer be eligible for the CFM but we are for the QVRM and VRSM however reading into policy, to be eligible for the VRSM we need to be deployable, have done at least 28 days (there are other requirements that we will never meet). The QVRM we most probably will never get as there are only 13 given out each year…not a chance.

I would imagine that some who were almost at the point where they would get their CFM or bar will be a little upset if they lose the recognition overnight.


I can imagine a friendly squadron nearby would be happy to have those folk on the books with a CFC, even if they don’t attend that often.

The requirement for the VRSM is 10 years service 9 of which must be “efficent”. Efficent is defined as

a. achievement of a Certificate of Efficiency (CofE); or

b. receipt of a Bounty payment; or

c.​completion of a total of 28 Reserve Service Days (RSDs) or more on an ADC ​​​commitment; or

d.​completion of a total of 28 days or more Mobilised service; or

e.​completion of a total of 28 days or more on an FTRS commitment.

So unless they are now going to award certificates of efficiency then no year will be allowed to count as efficent. I’m am not sure about eligibility for the VRSM even with the new Rules published this year after a service complaint was upheld Annex A explicitly lists the eligible category’s for the VRSM and the RAFVR (T) is not in their and it is explicitly excluded as eligible service under para 13 D (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65e1af8e3f69450011036062/Honours__Decorations_and_Medals___The_Volunteer_Reserve_Service_Medal.docx#:~:text=To%20qualify%20for%20the%20VRSM,markers%20must%20have%20been%20achieved. ) I did say months ago however that technically I thought RAFVR (T) were no longer eligible for the CFM. (Although they should be)

That’s what I was thinking. They have to define an efficient year for VR(T) and allow unused CFM qualifying years to carry over.

This sounds half-baked and a terrible idea.

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When I started this topic a good few months ago - never really knew it would grow legs as it has - although one thing it’s highlighted is how sad Senior Staff generically treat those grunts on the front line.
Hopefully with the now change of Senior Leadership and the Commandant change then hopefully we’ll get someone who can sort out issues with the organisation and get us moving forward.

I haven’t heard any more about QJM or KCM yet - and get more from this forum (generally) than we get through chain of command


Is this the new “Venture Adventure”?

Despite completion of the right paperwork and timely submission for both QPJM & CFM, using regular service in qualifying time when instructed by WExO I’m still waiting for these (plus KCM) or any acknowledgement my application was successful. Being in SW Region, therefore told medals are not going to be processed during the transition to new support framework, I have shifted my mindset from patiently waiting to resignation it’ll be unlikely to happen before the next ice age. A simple yes or no if I qualify would enable me to at least get the ribbons sewn on, maybe the miniatures bought, even if the actual medals take an indeterminate period to be received. There is a part of me that would prefer a no, it’ll certainly be cheaper and take less time cleaning them before each occasion I need to wear them.


What change in senior leadership is that? Or did you just mean the commandant?

With the Commandant gone perhaps someone better will come in?

Well can live in hope???

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I agree. Any unused qualifying CFM years should carry over however policy states that CFM years do not count, not even a percentage! I know I’ll have quite a few upset AEF pilots.

I’m speaking to 6FTS tomorrow so will explain the implications.

One of our chaps has just received his CFM a year after application.

Personally I think the lack of comms is the main gripe. I have to be fair though, Commandant 6FTS has kept us in the loop as much as he can and our CoS sent out an email as soon as he found out we’d been awarded the QPJM with a time scale as to when we should expect them to arrive with us.

One thing I detest is poor comms.

A Sqn Ldr at 615 received his 2nd, 3rd and 4th bar all at the same time a couple of weeks ago. There’s something seriously wrong when you are receiving your 2nd and 4th bar at the same time!