I’ve renamed this thread to be more accurate.
“HQAC panic over rugby club funds”, would be most accurate.
Fixed that for you
Update from National Chair.
Decisions reached:
- The Conference accepts that the present Excepted Charity structure for Squadrons & Wings is no longer appropriate for modern society.
- The Conference recognises the need to modernise the Charitable Structure and to follow the Working Group recommendations to move towards a Wing based Trusteeship which will preserve the valued contribution of volunteers at Squadron level.
- Individual Squadron money and assets will be protected for the immediate and sole use of that Squadron.
- It is intended that the process, which is already in a trial stage in certain areas, will be complete by April 2025.
- Details of the milestones and timeline will be refined by the Finance and General Purposes Committee at their meeting on 8th November 2022.
- Publication of the Schedule of Consultation and progress will be published by the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
- The National Chair, together with Regional Chairs, will engage with Associations as soon after 8th November as possible.
It has also been confirmed that this does not apply to SNI at this time.
the Working Group recommendations
Anyone know any information about this working group? Who’s in it, and what were the recommendations? (ie is there a detailed document somewhere on SPOL?)
Working Group
Does it contain any current Sqn Cdrs?
Don’t know. That was a copy and paste from email that came from the national chair that was forwarded down through the chain of command.
The Conference accepts that the present Excepted Charity structure for Squadrons & Wings is no longer appropriate for modern society
I’m intrigued by this bit.
Would be interested to hear why and what’s changed - makes any changes a lot easier to cope with if you understand what it is about the current system that’s no longer fit for purpose.
It has also been confirmed that this does not apply to SNI at this time.
So I assume that this is because CWCs in Scotland are registered as full fat charities, rather than charities with excepted status.
According to this document, any new Sqns formed after Jan 2012 would have had to register as a proper charity. So what’s going to happen with these? Also what’s going to happen to other squadrons who have also registered as a full charity because they own land and/or broke the 100k limit?
I’m guessing that our ability to recruit and retain civ com members has diminished over time, leaving many squadrons running with a non effective skeleton committee.
That and the fact that we operate under excepted charity status which is no longer a thing (and I’m assuming that the number of organisations that do so rwduces each year).
ability to recruit and retain civ com members has diminished over time
I would argue that this is the case as a whole.
But only as a result of adding extra elements to their onboarding. Some just dont want to do a dbs. Not sure why. (Sarcasm alert)
But also a factor is uniformed cfav time is now very much consumed with so much more admin then 5 years ago and even more so 10 years ago.
Therefore time to recruit staff and civ com is reduced.
Leads to diminishing staffing levels.
Some just dont want to do a dbs. Not sure why
Now why would someone wanting to get involved with money and children not want to go through a DBS…?
Why do CWC have many (MANY MANY) thousands in the bank anyway, they are NOT a savings committee, they are there to support the Cadets and Staff with providing what they need and in justifiable situations what they want. I wonder how much cash is saved amongst the 900+ that could be used to better those Cadets…moan away…its NOT your money, it’s the Cadets money they pay for you to provide a service to them.
its NOT your money, it’s the Cadets money they pay for you to provide a service to them.
Most money that Committees keep in the bank is being raised for a reason, for example future proofing for replacement kit and replacement SOV’s.
Certainly in every Squadron I’ve been in Subs has never been saved, only money being raised by the CWC.
Erm ok.
Calm down.
No civ com i know of hoards money.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the other majority, and then those whose CWC are an utter hinders to their OCs and the very few that are probably causing all the issues that HQAC and the Charities Commission what rid of.
No civ com i know of hoards money.
Same here. I know some have decent reserves, but they are allocated. They also have funds building up to replace kit in the future. Never seen any hoarding, and generally if a staff member wants something for the cadets they can get it.
Seems a little off from my experience
But i can reccomend speaking to your wing chair if its that bad.
A previous unit i was on had in excess of £20k…but at least £10k of that was reserved for a replacement SOV when the time came, whi h when combined with whatever price was reached for the outgoing SOV created a suitable sum to work off.
This was almost dipped into when the bus was involved in a scrape, but was saved from being written off.
Other funds go towards the upfront cost for socials/dining in nights where deposits for the hall/caterers and/or DJ needs paying before all the tickets have been sold etc.
There is easily £1000 assigned for immediate AT replacement, if some tents get ruined for whatever reason there is a pot to get replacements within a month.
With my RBL hat on my branch has around ~£1500 on the books, there isnt the assets or outgoings to need contingencies