Process to apply for MOD90

But… someone has to check that you’re in uniform for the head-and-not-even-shoulders picture.

Who would do that if they went straight to where they need to !?


QQ if you were an SNCO and now commissioned do you still need to get a new photo to be taken with your application for a rank change or will your existing one be OK if your physical features hasn’t changed since the last photo was taken ?

I reckon you’d be fine.

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If my memory serves me correctly there is a time limit on the photo. Something like 10 years.

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On the form it says:

authorised by a Warrant officer equivalent/D Grade (or above) who should be the Line Manager of the applicant.

I think we take this to mean the WExO.

On the OIC this week and the RAFP says there is a 7 week delay for the production of the cards and there is a backlog at RAFAC HQ as there is only person that is processing the requests

Interesting they also confirmed if you have a valid SC from a government dept you do NOT need to need to undertake a BPSS as they will share your SC clearance and if you work for a List X company and you need SC you apply for share from RAFAC with the List X Company

That’s useful to know. I’ll speak to HQAC again. I’ve been arguing over this exact point. It took months of arguing to get them to accept I already had DV when I joined so didn’t need to do SC.

I suppose the question is why is none of this shared with people at the coal face?

Like so many admin processes in this organisation you just send a form out into the wild blue yonder and hope for the best.

Don’t suppose they’ve said anything about how we’re getting No1s if we’ve done the virtual OIC?

No but I can raise the question today on it


I’d be interested on if there’s an update on this too!


Please do, not had any joy on fleabay so far and chances of getting anywhere near parent station this year are nil.

My MOD90 still has my photo from when I joined the TA in 2007…

Apparently (and perhaps unsurprisngly) nobody checks… :smiley:


I knew I’d read it somewhere…

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Doesn’t say you can’t reuse the original

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Doesn’t it need to be in blues though?

I have always been told this but have had more than one crop out the uniform on the photograph.

Interesting. The lack of suitable photograph (and waiting for promotion) is the main reason for not having a MOD90 yet. Admittedly I don’t have a suitable one in MTP either! Would be nice if they’d just accept passport ones!

I didn’t put a tie on for my first application. Got rejected.

Then for my second attempt I wore a tie and they accepted it and cut off the bloody uniform anyway from the picture :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: