Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

It was also units that are well known for shooting so I would guess they used their more senior cadets.

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It has definitely not got down to the sqns in my wing

Yeah we had an email from our Wing Commander yesterday about a totally unrelated topic. Not seen anything about outdoor activity.

I think we’re in different Wings.

Nothing from my Wg Cdr yesterday.

So far I’ve got nothing about returning either outside or at Sqn - nothing from RFCA or Wing yet!

Locally an entire year was sent home from a local secondary and has sent a wave of panic through several primaries and secondaries across ours and a neighbouring borough due to siblings. Apparently SM lit up when this happened as parents had to pick their own children up. I’ve looked it up and if we were back, we and two other sqns should really shut and all self isolate, as we have kids from that school.
This is why we shouldn’t be considering returning, until the situation settles down and we now seem to be in a rising case scenario, that does seem a way off.

This is an interesting point… but I suppose as the outbreak was school based it is ‘contained’ with their closing a year group rather than other further steps.

I foresee a long winter ahead.


I can imagine parents not sending their children to groups like us, just in case, and if us and the like stayed open, the criticism could be damaging us at a local level in the short to medium term.

That’s their choice.

I’ll be running activities, these 28 days won’t claim themselves

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I don’t think it’s that simple in this day and age. A couple of parents making adverse comments on SM and among the people they meet. SM doesn’t just stay local. I’ve been at staff conferences where things have been presented where those presenting have been supplied with the info by busybodies, as in a few examples I know they were nowhere near, which I pointed out.

Why does VA figure so highly?

Maybe a bad example, but certainly motivating me to do more in a shorter period of time than I would normally.

Generally I’m just desperate to get back doing stuff with the cadets.

The parents can send their children or not I really don’t care as I already have a waiting list of 6 cadets wanting to get started and the requests have really started to come in the past 2 weeks with the return to school.

Rates remain low locally and there seems to be very little concern.

Because people have bigger fish to fry at this moment in time.

Applying to staff an cadets and their families; job uncertainty, family concerns, personal concerns and anxiety now more than ever trump the ATC.
I personally don’t have any concerns, but my wife is far more anxious, so I limit myself to work, occasional visits to shops and family socialising.
It is rather gauche to say I’m carrying on regardless and effectively expecting others to be the same is wrong. We have to show understanding and compassion and if that doesn’t sit right with us, tough.

So let’s just ignore my personal mental health, that of the staff and the cadets :+1:


Sorry if this has been posted previous but couldn’t spot it above.

Now allowed back in our Sqn building but as it’s shared with the ACF we have to jump through their regs as well. Their guidance states that before CFAVs return they have to view & complete an online Covid Module which has a knowledge check at the end. Question is

Where do we access this from?

Is there a RAFAC online module equivalent as the H&S package makes no reference to covid?

Sorry if it’s a silly question - just trying to wade through the mountains of documents.

It’s on DLE.

Challenge with your WEXO as you should not need to complete that.

Im sure most here have seen the Graphics sections posters for one way systems and social distancing on squadron.
I felt a face covering and furniture version was needed as I havnt seen any yet. (apologies for the 2D “tables”, feel free to adjust as you like/require. These were quick Microsoft paint mock ups and saved in jpg)
Obviously these are not deigned to replace the appropriate briefs.


So some of the staff (including the OC) on my squadron live in the adjacent county to the one the squadron (and the majority of the staff) is in.

The OC’s county has just gone into local lockdown while the squadron’s county remains “free”.

That’s my proposed training plan for the return to F2F parade nights out the window as the locked down staff now can’t attend the squadron in any capacity.

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I’ve just received the green light to access the building and progress with return to parades.

These are good but you’ve spelled exempt wrong…


This one may also help some people:

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