Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

Don’t see many OC Sqns having run a national youth organisation either, but there you go :smiley:


No indeed.

But we HAVE to listen to them.

Dont see much evidence of them listening to US.

What about a Scout Leader :wink:

As a local volunteer himself in a Scout Troop, he leads by example while understanding the issues facing grass roots volunteers.


Aye, and I bet he still makes decisions that are unpopular with the grass roots because of wider socio-political and other considerations that only come into play at that level.

He’ll just be better at explaining, on his particular unit, why he had to make that particular decision.

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And hes very good at it.

probably :laughing: although of course Scouting doesn’t stick to such a rigid chain of comand as the Cadet Forces do (obviously) so decisions tend to be made and communicated by the project teams instead.

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My point being we now have a volunteer on the Comd Bd as well; so these decisions are being taken with a volunteer perspective on the whole thing. I don’t think people should be so quick to judge before they have operated at that level (I am of course guilty of doing the same earlier in my commissioned time; now I reflect back and realise I was being a chump). This applies to decisions made by everyone at a higher level than you - there is always a rationale behind the decisions. Just because you don’t like the outcome, doesn’t automatically mean it’s the wrong decision. You don’t know whether you’d make the same decision until you’ve been faced with it yourself.


I’d settle for all of the Regional Commandants accepting that we’ve been operating as we are at the moment for long enough to let Wing SME’s start making decision again, rather than everything still having to go to Region for a decision as to whether we can run it or not.


Speak for your end of the world only; Wing SMEs have been making the decisions up here for months now.

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Or if HQAC listened and gave us eDBS for everyone from the get go.
Would rather use Sqn money to pay for it and make life simpler!

Or if the delays to appointment and admin at HQAC could be prioritised.

Still waiting, now several months in for my new Sgt to be appointed.

Have you read the response on Value our Volunteers?

I’ve definitely seen this going on via SM. Or just people being silly by posting stuff they shouldn’t…

What, people making decisions at the level they should be?

I was working on the implication of them making the wrong decisions. ie approving stuff that the return for says it’s not allowed.

Like what?

From the get go being 10 years ago.

Not this time around.

At least 2 Regions still have everything going to the Region SME (one of them has everything going all the way to the ARC).

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Before the rules changed I definitely saw photos where cadets were out in bigger number groups than what the guide says for at/fieldcraft type stuff. Also some of other activities (like local event type stuff) that we were told were not allowed. Think car parking and the like. All stuff that I think probably should be allowed, but at the time was not.

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Since its only guidance, what would happen to an OC who struck it alone and removed social distancing and masks, in an attempt to save his sqn from dying on its ■■■■?


How would anyone know…?