Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

The Air Force have always been more risk averse than the other two cadet forces. Again, why are you surprised? This is par for the course.


Right, if we can fill every seat on a vehicle I’m going to fix some wheels to the building and call it a motorhome. Job jobbed.


What I’ve been saying for weeks now.

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I know. And it makes me feel a bit sick that I’m agreeing with you for once :wink:


Because I expected our new Air Commodore to show some leadership. Dawn I expected to be clueless and take the easy option, but from everything I’ve seen from our new leader I had hoped there would be some passion and fight.

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Just had a first glance - it seems as though they are throwing the requirement for face masks to the local jurisdiction… As this is not a legal requirement then we no longer need to wear them? Or have I missed a line in there?

The longer my squadron takes to get back the better in my opinion, and even then I’m contemplating resignation when it does. I’m not going to be fine with things as they were for a loooong time.

You have missed a line. Initially it reads like no masks but line 4.3 covers it, and then in the England guidance it says they’re required too.

Yep just re-read it - point 4.4 - thanks!

The guidance document says this.

1.12 Devolved administrations are yet to determine on further easing of restrictions. With COVID transmission rates trending upwards pan-UK, particularly among young people, a responsible, measured approach to easing of restrictions is required. The RAFAC Command Board has determined that social distancing and other COVID-19 control measures will need to remain in place until the policies are relaxed in individual jurisdictions and respective government advice changes. As we move through the RAFAC Roadmap and beyond, we will review restrictions on the types and scope of activities, in line with prevailing guidance.

given that the policies have been relaxed in England and government advice has changed, the command board are either not following their own document or deciding they know best.

Also that document has been re-uploaded again 5 minutes ago, so clearly something changed in it. But as ever, no idea why or what was different from the previous version.

Also that says there’s an upward trend, when in fact the last 5 days has been a downwards trend…


Out of date before they released it…


I note that parades are still not allowed but road marching is fine. What’s the difference?


Who knows. The whole thing is another shambles.

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You can also do drill practices, but not drill competitions? Anyone know the logic behind that? You can support airshows but “low key support only”. What does that even mean?

Under public parades you can have a representative presence but no marching. But under the drill sections it doesn’t mention no marching. So why can I not march in public but I can in practice?

The music specific guidance has the old out of date risk assessment attached to it, so is useless. And hasn’t been updated to include 1m+ distancing.


I really hope there are the HQ-based forum lurkers we’ve been led to believe exist…


I know at least one does :sweat_smile: I’m guessing a few would though.

Urgh, I’ve just skimmed and there are 0 nada amendments, changes are supposed to be in Yellow Highlight and there aren’t any, so I now need to trawl though in more detail :cry:


What is it that we teach 13 year olds? Prior planning prevents poor performance?


4.3. In England, RAFAC personnel are to retain social distancing of 1m+ whilst on RAFAC business. RAFAC personnel in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are to keep a minimum of 2 m away from each other, in line with the requirements of their devolved governments. Should the devolved government requirement be reduced, RAFAC personnel should continue to keep social distancing of 1m+ when on RAFAC business.

My bold, given this is V6.0 it surely supersedes V5.1 that was issued in Scotland, but it just shows how poor this document is, given Scotland’s rules have already changed