Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

In fairness, none of this planning was done with reference to the new draft guidance.

I’d already done all the skeleton planning in January. I just top & tailed the documents and reviewed the RAs based on the one course we managed to squeeze in during the easing of restrictions.

It’s all planned on the assumption that nothing really changes in the fundamental control measures - as there is no reason why it should.

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And that’s fair enough, I could do that too. But flying blind means if (and it is a big if) something changes in our guidance I would then need to redo it. I’d rather we just stuck to our promises, delivered when we said we would and let us get on with it.


I think you are overstating the problem a bit there. We aren’t flying blind, not would you have to redo everything - there might be small parts that have to change, but time spent doing the documentation wouldn’t be entirely wasted.

We have the experience of the last attempt to reopen to go on so there are some reasonable assumptions that can be made.

If some stupid things make it back in to the guidance like the 1:5 ratio, then I’ll either amend the numbers, or more likely make the case for why 1:5 silly.

I’d be super happy to use the previous guidelines if I wasn’t expecting new ones last week.


Yes, but why are you expecting them to be drastically different to last time?

This is the air cadets… we all know how this works.
Or doesnt.

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RC North was speaking over the weekend and said he had it in his inbox to be looked at first thing today, so it’s imminent… Apparently.

Kinda this!

That form has been re formatted so you need to recomplete

I just want to do it once.


Scouts are removing the ‘bubble’ size from when they return to face to face (outdoors) next week. Below for England:

Maximum group size:

  • Activities involving young people: no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others.
  • Scout Network programmed activities (non social): no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others.
  • Adult activities (non-social) with no young people present: check local government guidance

(Edited to add link)

That’s interesting given NYA are still using the 15 young person limit.

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Indeed. It is on their public website. Perhaps NYA guidance is being updated, that would explain the delay in ours.

That would be amazing!
Get the whole Sqn together for first time in a year!


Just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you should

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Was thinking mainly outdoor stuff for that very reason.

As things stand its 15 max indoor or outdoor from 12th April.

If we can all get together outdoors for something that would be safe, beneficial and joyous.

It’s finally been released!

On Sharepoint or by email?

Can’t see this on sharepoint or email…

It’s in the recovery planning area of Key Docs.

Looks like the majority of comments have been incorporated.

I can’t make links work for some reason.